I'm doing a barrel & caliber change on a friends Browning 1885 single shot. I'm changing from a 45/70 caliber factory barrel to 6.5/284 Norma caliber on a Lilja barrel. All the chamber & barrel work is done except for cutting the extractor slot. The 45/70 barrel slot was about twice as wide as the one's for 22/250-30/06 size rims. I have the proper extractor (bought it from Numeric Arms) but don't know what the slot dimensions are for the barrel, I roamed the internet for any info but came up empty, is there anyone here that can help? I need the depth/length and angle of the slot to the relation of the bore centerline.
Note: This is NOT an original Winchester highwall but a Japanese/Browning replica, the slot comes up from under the chamber, not from the left side.
Note: This is NOT an original Winchester highwall but a Japanese/Browning replica, the slot comes up from under the chamber, not from the left side.