Our Brother has authorized me to make a statement concerning his scarcity about the place of late.
Just before the weekend, he was involved in an incident. battling multiple aggressors: icy steps, gravity, and an unwieldly, swinging and fully loaded propane tank.
The three managed to sandwich our Brother between them and a fourth assailant, the ground, which committed aggravated assault upon his person with its viciously protruding rocks.
(A)1J04 suffered blunt force trauma along his right side, from head to hip, the worst of it in his shoulder. Putting aside all humor, he took a good lickin' and is hurting but good. He's managing to communicate with smoke signals and speech-to-text on his phone, but the 'puter keyboard ain't a right now thing.
In lieu of flowers and chocolate candy, he's asking for licorice and plums to negate the L7 effects of certain medications, and volunteers from the PNW to stop by and hold his copy of Juggs for him from time to time.
Hopefully, he'll be here soon himself to tell us all about it. Get better soon, A1J!
Just before the weekend, he was involved in an incident. battling multiple aggressors: icy steps, gravity, and an unwieldly, swinging and fully loaded propane tank.
The three managed to sandwich our Brother between them and a fourth assailant, the ground, which committed aggravated assault upon his person with its viciously protruding rocks.
(A)1J04 suffered blunt force trauma along his right side, from head to hip, the worst of it in his shoulder. Putting aside all humor, he took a good lickin' and is hurting but good. He's managing to communicate with smoke signals and speech-to-text on his phone, but the 'puter keyboard ain't a right now thing.
In lieu of flowers and chocolate candy, he's asking for licorice and plums to negate the L7 effects of certain medications, and volunteers from the PNW to stop by and hold his copy of Juggs for him from time to time.
Hopefully, he'll be here soon himself to tell us all about it. Get better soon, A1J!