For any out there seeking to become extraordinary marksmanship consider executing the firing tasks in steps. This better assures proper picture and motor memory development.
Step one: shoulder the rifle and establish sight alignment, being cognisant of the need for a relationship between you, gun, and ground which is consistent shot to shot. Do not be distracted by the target, that's to say, do not consciously or unconsciously steer the rifle to direction of target while shouldering. Be aware that the target will attempt to distract you; and, steering the rifle to target will later make adjustment of NPA extremely difficult if not impossible. To assure compliance, set out three or more numbered targets; and then, after alignment is established, without consideration for any target, select the target which will require the most adjustment of NPA.
Step two: adjust NPA to the desired hold (target/reticle relationship).
Step three: focus on reticle or front sight.
Step four: pull trigger with thought for doing it smoothly.
Step five: follow-through.
By giving order to the process of executing the firing tasks the shooter will not likely be overwhelmed or distracted by any of it. New shooters who contemplate the five steps above can expect smaller groups.
Step one: shoulder the rifle and establish sight alignment, being cognisant of the need for a relationship between you, gun, and ground which is consistent shot to shot. Do not be distracted by the target, that's to say, do not consciously or unconsciously steer the rifle to direction of target while shouldering. Be aware that the target will attempt to distract you; and, steering the rifle to target will later make adjustment of NPA extremely difficult if not impossible. To assure compliance, set out three or more numbered targets; and then, after alignment is established, without consideration for any target, select the target which will require the most adjustment of NPA.
Step two: adjust NPA to the desired hold (target/reticle relationship).
Step three: focus on reticle or front sight.
Step four: pull trigger with thought for doing it smoothly.
Step five: follow-through.
By giving order to the process of executing the firing tasks the shooter will not likely be overwhelmed or distracted by any of it. New shooters who contemplate the five steps above can expect smaller groups.