Interesting. A caseless 6.5


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  • Jun 3, 2010
    San Diego, Ca
    Just saw this at SOFIC today. No specs about bullet weight, but “solid alloy” bullet was mentioned.
    Been tried, and failed.... remember the infamous “gyro jet”?

    Gryojet was a rocket round. I think it also used "trounds" because they were triangular. They didn't work because the projectile is still accelerating when it impacts the target. At close range they do nothing at all.

    This reminds me more of the OICW program of the 60's, if you're ever near Ft. Benning you gotta stop by the Infantry Museum, they have shit there you'll see nowhere else. Those OICW's are all HUGE, much bigger than they look in a picture. They also have the "GI Joe" rifle (the rifle that came with the toys in the 80's, it's a real rifle covered in rubber, so obviously designed by an infantryman). Colt also had different ideas for the M4 that never came about. It used to be a lot "clunkier". Big handguards and shit.

    They have the G11 too and I think that's the one you are thinking of. I fired 4mm caseless ammo. They have that there too. My buddy was on guard duty while we were in ABN hold and we were the only ones there days after 9/11... Yeah, I thought about taking a hammer to that glass but figured it'd catch up with me!
    Also, this rifle is EXACTLY what they were asking for last year. They said they wanted to switch to a round with more power and also one that takes up less space, so a telescoping round. This was after they had every rifle mfg. from here to Germany submitting replacements for the M4 for the last two decades (since G11!). They put out requests, this is the only one I've seen so far.

    When I got out of the army, I had the opportunity to go to school, manage a security company or take over the gunsmith shop at 1SFG after going to gunsmith school. I went to school and studied math. Some days I still think I fucked up...
    What are the benefits

    More power, less bulk. Maybe less weight too, depending.

    Also, from antigun points of view, there won't be surplus ammo or components as I'm sure the next military rifle will be restricted far past a trigger group. This will affect current caliber rifles and ammo sources too.

    It also costs more, out the ASS, so if you aren't paying for it but are in the business, I guess that's a benefit.

    It's cool, but as a private owner it's not something I want to see happen anytime soon. As infantry, I wouldn't want it either until it's been tested and fielded for a few years at least. I've never been a beta tester or early adopter though.