While I was Googling around I came across an interesting read from a study UCLA recently conducted on USMC Marksmanship training (open source). I've only given it a quick once over so far, and it is a very technical evaluation of marksmanship instruction elements and techniques. Thought some of you might find it interesting.
Review of Rifle Marksmanship Training Research
Gregory K. W. K. Chung, Sam O. Nagashima, Girlie C. Delacruz, John J. Lee, Richard Wainess, and Eva L. Baker
PDF Document: http://www.cse.ucla.edu/products/reports/R783.pdf
Website (Report #783): http://www.cse.ucla.edu/products/reports.asp
Review of Rifle Marksmanship Training Research
Gregory K. W. K. Chung, Sam O. Nagashima, Girlie C. Delacruz, John J. Lee, Richard Wainess, and Eva L. Baker
PDF Document: http://www.cse.ucla.edu/products/reports/R783.pdf
Website (Report #783): http://www.cse.ucla.edu/products/reports.asp