Intro to precision rifle 8-3-24 AL/GA line only $175

Rifle Ranch in Ranburn Al will have a Introduction to Long Range rifle class on 8-3-24.
Intro to long range shooting $175
Aug 3rd 8am Central time to 5pm central
Topic covered
Rifle set up & Support gear
Zeroing the rifle
Wind reading
Spotting techniques
Ballistic app set up on the cell phone
We will shoot out to 900 yards maybe more
Location is Rifle Ranch 1030 County Rd 526
Graham Alabama.
Use Google Maps only and
Enter by Gold Ridge Baptist Church
What to bring. Rental guns/equipment available.
A rifle capable of 900 yards with minimum 10 power scope(target turrets required)
Bipod and rear bag 100 rds of match /precision ammo
Food and water for the day
Class runs rain or shine shooting area is covered. Targets are steel
email [email protected] for more Info
we partner with Ga firing line for several events so their is a lot of video on their youtube channel and other social media channels.
Search for open range day and PRS match or Hike& shoot
several pictures on Face book and google under rifle ranch.
It was a great day. I learned a lot and had fun. Life got in the way resulting in a 7 year hiatis from shooting sports for me just when I was begiinning to get into long range shooting. Most of my experience was up to 250 yards. I never had any training (other than my NRA pistol and home safety instructor training.) This was a great way to get back into it. It's not often (more like never) that one gets to shoot out to 1100 yards. I am on the hunt for public ranges that I can join that are reasonably close. The Rifle Ranch was only a 90 minute drive but it is private.

Scott (and Brad) were great instructors. They helped when help was needed. I learned a lot about reading wind and holdovers. LOL--I also learned not to mess with windage adjustments at the end of the day after you've have great success with holdovers based on your spotter's calls all day long!

I tested a couple of the ballistics apps I have throughout the day. I kept going back to the first one I used (iStrelok). I hope the embargo ends someday.

It was a good group of "students". I think most were shooting 6.5 CR. This cartridge proved to be was more than adequate on my plain jane Savage 10. There was some pretty impressive hardware being used. My first upgrade will be a better scope. I was good up to 500 yards but targets were fuzzy beyond that. I also now understand why more zoom is not always better.

I've got the bug again. I'll be looking for more long range training and shooting opportunities.
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