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Gunsmithing Introduction into chambering barrels? Good resource available?


Full Member
Sep 13, 2019
I have a grizzly 16x40 gunsmith lathe. Does anyone have a resources for an inexperienced person to begin learning how to chamber barrel for precision rifles? Paying for it is fine, free is better. Just would like to have some hands on experience.
Agree with Chad. Get a 20' stick of 1.25 mild. Cut it into 4"- 6" lengths. Dial it in on a 4 jaw and practice threading until you puke. Check every thread with some PeeDee thread wires.
I would download the remington barrel print and practice doing the entire thing from start to finish like each section was a barrel tenon. Counter bore, chamber, threads the entire thing.
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AAC has a good set of thread prints available at no cost. Download it, and practice cutting threads to their spec on whatever bar stock you can find.

Don't skip the metric threads. It's no more difficult. Telling a customer that you can't cut metric threads is like a grown man who can't drive a stick-shift. They're easy. There's even a technique that lets you do it with your standard thread dial.

Watch the whole video so you don't miss the important parts. Back the cross slide out a full turn before reversing the motor, and go back in a turn before running it forward. Use the compound for your depth of cut changes.

For chambers, Green mountain barrels sells "gunsmith specials", which are raw, unturned barrel blanks. Buy them cheap, practice on them, then screw them into an action and see how they shoot.

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For chambers, Green mountain barrels sells "gunsmith specials", which are raw, unturned barrel blanks. Buy them cheap, practice on them, then screw them into an action and see how they shoot.

This is how I started out but don't discount their barrels I still have both a fast twist 22-250 and 6.5 creedmoor rifle build on them and shoot very well.
If you want to take a class Gordy Gritters offers one building rifles in his shop .