Looking for any and all input for lens replacement options.
I’ve been cursed with an astigmatism and near vision all my life and now cataracts at 45yo. (Normally wear soft contacts). There are so many IOL options now that it’s made the decision of which lens to go with very confusing. Unfortunately I don’t know any precision shooters, except benchrest guys, that have IOL replacements to get their feedback with hunting/shooting outside of the 100-300yd range. Most of the feedback I’ve hear from local hunters/shooters is, go with a single focal lens and get a pair of glasses for short/mid distance. Ultimately I’m good with that option if there’s not a better multi focal lens out there that still lets me see well enough to get by at close & mid distances yet still see very well at distance. The multifocal option sounds like it could create problems with iron sights, hoping that’s not the case.
I’ve been cursed with an astigmatism and near vision all my life and now cataracts at 45yo. (Normally wear soft contacts). There are so many IOL options now that it’s made the decision of which lens to go with very confusing. Unfortunately I don’t know any precision shooters, except benchrest guys, that have IOL replacements to get their feedback with hunting/shooting outside of the 100-300yd range. Most of the feedback I’ve hear from local hunters/shooters is, go with a single focal lens and get a pair of glasses for short/mid distance. Ultimately I’m good with that option if there’s not a better multi focal lens out there that still lets me see well enough to get by at close & mid distances yet still see very well at distance. The multifocal option sounds like it could create problems with iron sights, hoping that’s not the case.