It’s not just the dems my man. This is the one thing you always fail to acknowledge. I would argue that anyone who votes for either party is to blame considering we have fake as fuck elections and it really doesn’t matter whether a D or R gets in as both are equally despicable and hand selected.This country is descending into a shithole. There is no such thing as a "good part of town" as long as we let the garbage of the earth across our borders without so much as a wave. Combining them with the welfare garbage, druggies and scum we already have is the current leftists plan to destroy America.
You are just as likely to get charged with murder for shooting a home invader as they are with murdering you during the invasion. My current state pays human garbage nearly $100K a year in wages and benefits to run wild and remain unemployed. It is damned near impossible to put one in prison, our fucking governor celebrates their crimes and destruction like a Super Bowl victory. Unless he finds out they go to church, then they are fucking toast.
I am heading towards retirement and am apparently far less dangerous looking than I used to be. I can see it in the eyes of the scumbags when they are prowling the Home Depot looking for a chance to run out the fucking door with a cart of tools or whatever they are fucking stealing. There is no chance I'd step in to stop them and no way I'd even look at a public wife beating with anything more than indifference. If you interfered in the beating and stopped it that crazy cunt would attack you.
So when I hear shots, I look for cover and wait it out. If they are not coming for me or my wife, my gun stays holstered and my head is on a swivel. As long as it does not involve me then it is not my problem. Even Idaho and Montana are becoming questionable these days. Legalized drugs have led to rampant crime. My truck got broken into and my backpack and gun stolen 25 feet from the front of a business I was in and the employees just fucking watched. They didn't get me or call the cops or even yell at the asshole and when I asked why, they said, "we don't get involved". I cancelled my order and ended my business with them forever. I still lost $3,000 worth of gear, gun, cash, checkbook, wind meter, Surefire light and a bracelet made from my Dad's WWII jump wings that I carried since Iraq. Fucking cops never even showed up, my cell number was the case number because they no longer give case numbers to crimes. 0% chance of seeing anything again, it will be sold on Facebook, Ebay, Amazon or Craigslist with ZERO consequences for the thieves.
Every asshole who votes for any Democrat is to blame. Welcome to the end of America as you knew it.
I do agree that those who support the D wing of the unibird are scum compared to those regular folk who are stupid enough to suport the R wing of the unibird.