Suppressors Is it logical?


Full Member
Feb 8, 2008
Sierra Vista AZ
Im sitting here reading about suppresssors and as always the urge to get one is overwhelming. I want one but before I go through the process of even deciding on what to buy I have a quick question.

I will be PCSing to AZ, and to my knowledge they are a suppressor friendly state. I know I will only be there for a max of 3 years and then its eiather out of the military or to Califorina/North Carolina. If I decide to get out I will go home to illinois, which is suppressor unfriendly. Does it make sence to purchase one when two of the three places I may end up do not allow suppressors?

Is there a way to own one and possibly go to these nasty gun hating states?

Re: Is it logical?

Are there any relatives in a C-3 allowable state that you could leave in there possesion ?
One warning with this is that if you go with a personal transfer,
<span style="text-decoration: underline">they</span> will be in illegal possesion.
Therefore going the revocable trust route with the right name placement and wording will solve this.

If not ,selling said suppresor before you move on may be the only recourse to avoid a possible deployment to club FED
After spending time in Cal. and Ill. why would one ever want to live there anyway.
Re: Is it logical?

You can file the appropriate paperwork and leave the suppressor in a permissive location in a locked container that only you have access to (think small safe or lock-box). That will fulfill the legal requirement of retaining possession.

Worst comes to worst you can always sell it and eat the $200 transfer since non-collectible cans don't usually appreciate in value.

ETA: I am in no way shape or form rendering legal advice to you!
Re: Is it logical?

Stick my name on the trust... I'll take good care of it..