Is the Fentanyl spike China Waging Chemical warfare???


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
Imports are spiking at huge levels. And not just addicts are getting dead…. Lethal Doses are finding their way into everything from first responders to kids to folks thinking they were buying “holistic” medicines.

China is making enough fentanyl to dose every American, maybe every Westerner.

Is this just drug lords (seems like it would be hard to be a drug lord in tightly-gummint-controlled China.). Or is this the ChiCom government waging overt chemical warfare against the West?

Interesting question…

My guess is both, but the Chicoms are intentionally trying to kill us.

The drug lords want us alive because with no customers, there’s no money coming in.

You think China would have figured this out being they’re constantly telling us how smart they are.
Unless they don’t care whether anyone is left alive. Because clearly they are dumping the product. Which makes for sketchy profit margin‘s.

Well since the current occupant of the White House has a son who is a crystal Methodist by religion I doubt will find out anything. I wonder if the big guy gets his 20% cut for fentanyl?

I’m sure the Chicom don’t give a shit what happens to us and hope we die. That being said, my personal opinion is that fentanyl is produced because weight to profit is extremely high. This matter when smuggling.
Fentanyl gets in other drugs from accidental cross contamination. Low level dealers in trap houses cutting pain pills or heroin with fentanyl to make it “go farther”, or more potent, then cut coke on the same table with another cheap filler for the same reason. Classically, inositol. It doesn’t make sense to cut coke with fentanyl and kill off your customers. Also, coke and fentanyl are two different high’s users are looking for so again, doesn’t make sense. Thirdly, inositol is cheap and fentanyl is expensive so why use that for the cut. Fentanyl is dosed in micrograms and as everyone knows very little can kill an opioid naive person.
I think it’s accidental cross contamination.
I’m sure the Chicom don’t give a shit what happens to us and hope we die. That being said, my personal opinion is that fentanyl is produced because weight to profit is extremely high. This matter when smuggling.
Fentanyl gets in other drugs from accidental cross contamination. Low level dealers in trap houses cutting pain pills or heroin with fentanyl to make it “go farther”, or more potent, then cut coke on the same table with another cheap filler for the same reason. Classically, inositol. It doesn’t make sense to cut coke with fentanyl and kill off your customers. Also, coke and fentanyl are two different high’s users are looking for so again, doesn’t make sense. Thirdly, inositol is cheap and fentanyl is expensive so why use that for the cut. Fentanyl is dosed in micrograms and as everyone knows very little can kill an opioid naive person.
I think it’s accidental cross contamination.
Don't disagree... but the amount coming in is staggering.

The more that comes in... the more it ends up... everywhere.

And is China profiting? Or are they dumping it to smugglers, third parties, etc. and letting them make the profits while they simply make the chemicals/pills and dump it for geopolitical, not profit purposes.

Merits some 'digging...' But the current admin is all druggies anyway. So, nothing will happen.

Hundreds of American children poisoned by China every day. Yet the drumbeat of news and political leaders is that we must stop Putin.

I think the question is: how do we realign the interests of American leaders with American people?
By realigning American people with reality.

Half the population are living in opposite land where antifa, BLM and alphabet people are ideals.

The fall of Rome.
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Have you tried reasoning with a meth head? I have. Never again.

(I know, different drug but I've been around a few addicts to know I don't want to guess what they are thinking.)
I contend that the wording of your original assertion is wrong. "Give them what they want." When did the wants of others become our obligations? I want a private jet?
Imports are spiking at huge levels. And not just addicts are getting dead…. Lethal Doses are finding their way into everything from first responders to kids to folks thinking they were buying “holistic” medicines.

China is making enough fentanyl to dose every American, maybe every Westerner.

Is this just drug lords (seems like it would be hard to be a drug lord in tightly-gummint-controlled China.). Or is this the ChiCom government waging overt chemical warfare against the West?

Interesting question…

They told us openly that they intend to wage war on us across every possible dimension.

They read the Art of War..........
This really isn’t a complicated situation. They gotta clear the fields.

They need to export their population because they can’t feed them. China’s already balls deep in Africa, Australia, and SE Asia. We’re just the next dumping ground.
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i heard that china allows mexican cartels to buy the ingredients to make it in mexico...
the open border is as much to blame as well.
i understand people have little sympathy for drug addicts, but knowing that doctors were bribed, and took bribes, to get people addicted to pills...taking advantage of people in pain (for profit), i do feel they are not entirely to blame.

a lot of the victims are vets that came back broken in some way. not only did they die, often alone, but people made money off of that.
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i understand people have little sympathy for drug addicts, but knowing that doctors were bribed, and took bribes, to get people addicted to pills...taking advantage of people in pain (for profit), i do feel they are not entirely to blame.

a lot of the victims are vets that came back broken in some way. not only did they die, often alone, but people made money off of that.

I stopped counting how many people I know who have died because of an OD. A large % of that group are Marines I served with. This is a subject I understand all to well.
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i heard that china allows mexican cartels to buy the ingredients to make it in mexico...
the open border is as much to blame as well.
Its a fact.

Thats what make Fen and Meth so attractive and why they are phasing out cocaine. You just call Long Dong in shanghai and in a month a container shows up on a boat in Manzanillo, it goes to a warehouse, becomes poison, and El Mencho has it shipped to the US ghettos.

No exposed fields to be spotted by satellite.
Its a fact.

Thats what make Fen and Meth so attractive and why they are phasing out cocaine. You just call Long Dong in shanghai and in a month a container shows up on a boat in Manzanillo, it goes to a warehouse, becomes poison, and El Mencho has it shipped to the US ghettos.

No exposed fields to be spotted by satellite.
When we were children hard drugs were only allowed in ghettos. Today no community in America is safe.
We seem eager to get involved in wars except with certain countries in certain markets. I've no idea how much equipment is involved to make the fentanyl and meth precursors flowing into western countries from China. I would imagine the combined intelligence agencies of western nations should be able 5o pin down (generally) who is making it and where. Slapping sanctions (tariffs on everything, for example) would have had an impact back before the current currencies and markets divorce. Yet we never seemed to do it? Why? Are all our politicians (or at least a majority) owned by China? Or do they just need to influence the few key people who decide whether bills are brought up for votes?
i still can't really understand the current hysteria over fentanyl in the "conservative" world. as said above,it's killing our dysfunctional drug addicts. what's the loss? the war on drugs arguments are the same as the war on guns thinking. if something exists and is available is abusing it made mandatory by it's presence? this whole hysteria is a pre made issue that will allow the government to gain even more control over medical practice and especially pain management. gov mandated protocols on same make pain management problematic and often using inappropriate ineffective drugs and doses. heroin and methadone are prime examples and now we add fentanyl to the list. this has been tried with ETOH in the past. how did that work out? if someone voluntarily takes 500 mcg of fentanyl or a liter of black jack and has a bad outcome,so what? oh,it's for the children. can't keep your kids off drugs? yes,they are going to experiment. teaching them good judgement is your problem and duty as a parent not anyone else's.
the above about sugar and it's pushing by the establishments control of it's use and facts is right on. as well as all the lies out there about agriculture and nutrition.
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Talking with an acquaintance at the range yesterday (bureau chief w/sheriff's dept). He was telling me they are finding fentanyl laced with Xylazine which is not affected by Narcan. The OD death rate has climbed from 18 to 32 percent. Numbers are from memory, but I'm confident I'm close. He told me the amount of Narcan they carry and I was surprised. They just increased the dosage to 8mg. Two for themselves/partner and I don't even remember how many for the junkies.
Talking with an acquaintance at the range yesterday (bureau chief w/sheriff's dept). He was telling me they are finding fentanyl laced with Xylazine which is not affected by Narcan. The OD death rate has climbed from 18 to 32 percent. Numbers are from memory, but I'm confident I'm close. He told me the amount of Narcan they carry and I was surprised. They just increased the dosage to 8mg. Two for themselves/partner and I don't even remember how many for the junkies.

Yikes, just read a few articles on that:

"The DEA alert states the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel’s chemicals, which are mainly sourced from China, are primarily responsible for most of the fentanyl trafficked in the U.S."

Yikes, just read a few articles on that:

"The DEA alert states the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel’s chemicals, which are mainly sourced from China, are primarily responsible for most of the fentanyl trafficked in the U.S."

"Yo,, hey man like lets go I mean you know dude lets score some yo you know lets get tranqued up dude, yo?"
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it's a lot closer to waging war than it is a proposition for a walk in the park . but that's just another sign of just how pathetic our government is as a whole
I remember bringing up the tranq shit in one of the Philadelphia zombie threads, and getting attacked that I didn't know what I was talking about...

Told ya so...

i still can't really understand the current hysteria over fentanyl in the "conservative" world. as said above,it's killing our dysfunctional drug addicts. what's the loss? the war on drugs arguments are the same as the war on guns thinking. if something exists and is available is abusing it made mandatory by it's presence? this whole hysteria is a pre made issue that will allow the government to gain even more control over medical practice and especially pain management. gov mandated protocols on same make pain management problematic and often using inappropriate ineffective drugs and doses. heroin and methadone are prime examples and now we add fentanyl to the list. this has been tried with ETOH in the past. how did that work out? if someone voluntarily takes 500 mcg of fentanyl or a liter of black jack and has a bad outcome,so what? oh,it's for the children. can't keep your kids off drugs? yes,they are going to experiment. teaching them good judgement is your problem and duty as a parent not anyone else's.
the above about sugar and it's pushing by the establishments control of it's use and facts is right on. as well as all the lies out there about agriculture and nutrition.
The Problem is its making its way into things its not supposed to be in. I don't know if ya'll realize it but there are plenty of perfectly functional people that are high as shit all day long. They work, Pay bills, pay taxes and one thing for sure... they know how to do their drugs. The problem with Fentanyl is when its put into something, that some one doesn't know its in, they do to much and die.

I know three people personally in the last 7 years killed by Fentanyl Overdoes. They were't street junkies, and they OD'd because they were unaware of the presence of the F in their H.

Thats why its dangerous.
BS. the question is why are they taking non Rx street drugs to get high? there are a whole bunch of programs to aid people to get off opiates. worked in one in the 80s. yes,a tough long road but it can be done. AA works for ETOH which is as least as hard quiting as opiates. and yes addicts can be quite functional and law abiding as the dutch experience has shown for > 30 years. yes,methadone programs are abused but can be successful if the patient is serious and motivated. i will concede the point that the government makes it much harder for doctors to use the right stuff in the right setting and dosages. that does not imply a need for or an excuse to score street drugs for funsies. using street drugs is most times,not all,a voluntary activity. there is just too much money to be made and power to be gained by the state to deal with addiction properly. does the multi billion $ unsuccessful war on drugs ring a bell? prohibition? if it's china's deal,and it certainly is,our culture is giving them an easy to hit target.
Wake the fuck up.
Turn off the mainstream media.

Your little darlings are not getting dosed with fentanyl from candies they buy at the local quick stop.
They are getting dosed with fentanyl because they are buying heroin that is laced with fentanyl.

Do you honestly think the shit jumps into their veins unwarranted ?

That's like saying you slipped, your dick fell into Sally Rottencrotch, she got pregnant, and that's how you became a dad.
I’m sure the Chicom don’t give a shit what happens to us and hope we die. That being said, my personal opinion is that fentanyl is produced because weight to profit is extremely high. This matter when smuggling.
Fentanyl gets in other drugs from accidental cross contamination. Low level dealers in trap houses cutting pain pills or heroin with fentanyl to make it “go farther”, or more potent, then cut coke on the same table with another cheap filler for the same reason. Classically, inositol. It doesn’t make sense to cut coke with fentanyl and kill off your customers. Also, coke and fentanyl are two different high’s users are looking for so again, doesn’t make sense. Thirdly, inositol is cheap and fentanyl is expensive so why use that for the cut. Fentanyl is dosed in micrograms and as everyone knows very little can kill an opioid naive person.
I think it’s accidental cross contamination.
Simple supply and demand IMO. The cross contamination scenario is very plausible. But as far opioid users, its just as you said. Fent packs tighter, is consequently easier to move, and results in higher profit margins.

.gov has some decent intel on the players involved.. and its quite a bit more nuanced than just China:

The offspring and kiddies cant seem to stay away from social media and electronic devices in general, so its hard to imagine they'll ever rise to the level of their predecessors like Chapo and Mayo Zambada in making all these tard moves for internet clout.
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narcan OTC? amusing. you don't just pop it in and the problems goes away via magic. in chronic users/abusers/addicts you participate instant acute withdrawal. seizures,hypertensive crisis,fun stuff. then after about 3-10 min they renarcotize. same problem again. prob not something the ignorant & untrained should be fooling with.
china using fentanyl to mess with us? sure. does help with the darwin deal but causing trouble with the in place retarded war on drugs and wastes big $ on free med care for those who never have or will contribute anything to their own care and maintenance.
Imports are spiking at huge levels. And not just addicts are getting dead…. Lethal Doses are finding their way into everything from first responders to kids to folks thinking they were buying “holistic” medicines.

China is making enough fentanyl to dose every American, maybe every Westerner.

Is this just drug lords (seems like it would be hard to be a drug lord in tightly-gummint-controlled China.). Or is this the ChiCom government waging overt chemical warfare against the West?

Interesting question…

Yes that and much worse is exactly what they are doing