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Is there any doubt there are two classes of citizens when it comes to the law?

Maybe I should register as democrat so I can get away with shit
Even better, I’ll act like I’m pissed off at everybody, criticize any body with a conservative view and run for office; then I can really get away with shit. Heck, if I do that I don’t have to pay taxes, can steal shit, lie with impunity, have zero accountability and pretty much never be held responsible. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Maybe I should register as democrat so I can get away with shit
Even better, I’ll act like I’m pissed off at everybody, criticize any body with a conservative view and run for office; then I can really get away with shit. Heck, if I do that I don’t have to pay taxes, can steal shit, lie with impunity, have zero accountability and pretty much never be held responsible. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

I'm thinking about that, too...

Learn spanish, I know enough marx to make Ocascio look like a dumb little girl. I'll run on the most radical anti-gun platform in history, become president, and pull an inverted flip flop on everything.

"I was for gun control before I was a against it"
"I was for abortion before I was against it"
"I was for unchecked immigration before I was against it"
"I know HRC wanted to be SCOTUS, but we're going with Barret instead"

Just gotta find a way to get my voting records scrubbed...
I'm thinking about that, too...

Learn spanish, I know enough marx to make Ocascio look like a dumb little girl. I'll run on the most radical anti-gun platform in history, become president, and pull an inverted flip flop on everything.

"I was for gun control before I was a against it"
"I was for abortion before I was against it"
"I was for unchecked immigration before I was against it"
"I know HRC wanted to be SCOTUS, but we're going with Barret instead"

Just gotta find a way to get my voting records scrubbed...

"I'd take the deal, then crawfish and drill that ol devil right in the ass." Tombstone.
Wow. That looks awesome. Crime pays!

Every great Socialist family descended from crime lords needs a compound to call their own.


Six acres and three houses in Hyannis Port ... not bad.
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I think that although 'justice' has probably not been equitably served, society as a whole has a broadened understanding of just who these people are, and what they are capable of.

Repetitions are not likely to find fertile soil in which to set root, and people are now watching them a lot more closely. In their case, that's not such a terrible outcome.

@sirhrmechanic 's neighbors getting away with another pay off for allowing the Clintons to rig the Dem primary election.


Well getting millions of dollars and a nice lakeside home is better than Arkanacide I guess.

When the hell is the law going to go blind again?
Figured this wouldn't go the distance.
It's more important that their 2016 runner appears to be legit.
While disgusted that Bernie/Old lady have gotten away with this they are but small fish in the milking game.

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Just gotta find a way to get my voting records scrubbed...

Don't worry, if you become the Communists (Democrats) chosen one, they will take care of scrubbing it for you or simply say it doesn't matter.

Much like apparently Kavenaugh is bad because he liked to have a beer with his meal from time to time.

But the "Messiah" Obama can write in his autobiography that he was doing cheech and chong amounts of weed and dust bustering Cocaine whenever he could... no problem at all.

Or the head of the "Justice" department can have done a criminal armed takeover of university facilities but that's no problem...
If Hillary hadnt knee capped him Bernie would have won the 2016 election - I have little doubt of that.

If he runs in 2020 Bernie will likely win.

If this is cleaning the slate to grease the skids stand by for the worlds richest Venezuela riches to rags tale.
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I think that although 'justice' has probably not been equitably served, society as a whole has a broadened understanding of just who these people are, and what they are capable of.

Repetitions are not likely to find fertile soil in which to set root, and people are now watching them a lot more closely. In their case, that's not such a terrible outcome.


I wish your perspective reflected the way things are currently going but I don't agree. The mentally deficient garbage that supports Sanders, and the rest of the liberals, just do not seem to care if their message matches their life style. Go back to John Edwards and his mantra about being a "common man". In 2004, when he ran as VP, his net worth was $18MM. I wish that was the worth of the "common man" but it sure ain't, not in my neck of the woods anyway.

Sanders should be the poster child for being a Socialist hypocrite BUT as long as he rails against the "wealthy" and promises free stuff to the mongrels that sniff at the foot of his table he will be supported.
Don't worry, if you become the Communists (Democrats) chosen one, they will take care of scrubbing it for you or simply say it doesn't matter.

Much like apparently Kavenaugh is bad because he liked to have a beer with his meal from time to time.

But the "Messiah" Obama can write in his autobiography that he was doing cheech and chong amounts of weed and dust bustering Cocaine whenever he could... no problem at all.

Or the head of the "Justice" department can have done a criminal armed takeover of university facilities but that's no problem...

I took it for granted that me being too young to run for POTUS in 2020 was fine.

"Look to the future, look at this skinny jeans wearing liberal idiot, he's the greatest thing for this country. Hates guns, loves abortion, hates white people like himself, his mean ol' daddy even made him kill deer growing up, he hates hunting, fishing, and all forms of outdoor recreation. Anything more severe than Netflix is traumatizing to young minds. He's on-track with all the greatest tech firms including Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. He will save our nation and put an end to white privilege PERMANENTLY! Healthcare for all!"

Haaaaa, surprise suckaaaas!

Has there ever been a term "DINO", democrat in name only? Why haven't we tried this for real?
They're all total pikers next to the Clintons.

None of them have vision to create a tax exempt foundation to launder all their ill gotten proceeds and avoid all taxes.
None of them have the foresight to create a global influence peddling and money laundering scheme worth hundreds of millions.
None of them have the guts to defraud the poorest countries in the world of all the financial aid from the West.
None of them are as adept and proficient at destroying all evidence and paper trails of a crime that's hiding in plain sight.

Most of these "progressive" and socialist politicians are commoner grifters. Why should be vote for them when we hear that the real mafia don may run again?

There are still unanswered questions about the Sanders. No one is even asking where hundreds of millions of dollars went when the Clinton Foundation shut down. That's power. That's untouchability.

"You gotta keep his con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him." - Henry Gondorff, "The Sting"
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In 90 percent of the land area of this state... people are ri*$#!+ about this...

In 10 percent of the communist urban and upscale McMansion trust-fund-pinkie-sticking-out-spend-all-day-at-the-yoga-salon-and-juice-bar land area... they are celebrating, twirling their man buns and trying to get in on the next big Crony Capitalist investor scam led by the socialists here.

Ayn Rand predicted how it will end.

What is that saying? What did the Socialists have before Kerosene Lamps?



In Socialism the masters get to live fat. They get their hand up, then it's eff you suckers. Till the pile of free stuff gets so small it's nothing. Then those living skinny start eating those living fat. Look at history. Socialism is always terminal. Look where Europe is headed.
In Socialism the masters get to live fat. They get their hand up, then it's eff you suckers. Till the pile of free stuff gets so small it's nothing. Then those living skinny start eating those living fat. Look at history. Socialism is always terminal. Look where Europe is headed.

That is absolutely correct BUT WE CANNOT SEEM TO LEARN FROM HISTORY!!! Sorry for the caps but I am amazed that there are past and current examples of socialism failing but the mother effing morons in this country are still pushing us in that direction. I guess the "as long as I get mine mentality" never changes.
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That is absolutely correct BUT WE CANNOT SEEM TO LEARN FROM HISTORY!!! Sorry for the caps but I am amazed that there are past and current examples of socialism failing but the mother effing morons in this country are still pushing us in that direction. I guess the "as long as I get mine mentality" never changes.

I think it's kind of a mental illness.... one in which feelings side of the brain washes out the logic side of the brain... and then uses faulty-logic to justify feelings... when the math just don't work.

Remember the mantra of the Socialist: Well, it's never 'really' been tried yet.

Because as Marx pointed out, the reactionary forces of capitalism and the 'wreckers' inside the system will resist the shining path to true Socialism.

So they always have a scapegoat... for why socialism fails. It's because capitalism is always trying to destroy their Utopian dreams.

These people have constructed a wonderful la-la-land in their heads... devoid of any realities. In my world, that is mental illness... a failure to grasp reality. But these days, instead of locking them up, burning them at the stake, throwing them in rubber rooms or banishing them from the tribe... we give them microphones, TV time and laugh when they can't afford their Luxury DC apartment payments.

In many ways, liberalism is nothing short of mental illness...


I think it's kind of a mental illness.... one in which feelings side of the brain washes out the logic side of the brain... and then uses faulty-logic to justify feelings... when the math just don't work.

Remember the mantra of the Socialist: Well, it's never 'really' been tried yet.

Because as Marx pointed out, the reactionary forces of capitalism and the 'wreckers' inside the system will resist the shining path to true Socialism.

So they always have a scapegoat... for why socialism fails. It's because capitalism is always trying to destroy their Utopian dreams.

These people have constructed a wonderful la-la-land in their heads... devoid of any realities. In my world, that is mental illness... a failure to grasp reality. But these days, instead of locking them up, burning them at the stake, throwing them in rubber rooms or banishing them from the tribe... we give them microphones, TV time and laugh when they can't afford their Luxury DC apartment payments.

In many ways, liberalism is nothing short of mental illness...




I think it's kind of a mental illness.... one in which feelings side of the brain washes out the logic side of the brain... and then uses faulty-logic to justify feelings... when the math just don't work.

Remember the mantra of the Socialist: Well, it's never 'really' been tried yet.

Because as Marx pointed out, the reactionary forces of capitalism and the 'wreckers' inside the system will resist the shining path to true Socialism.

So they always have a scapegoat... for why socialism fails. It's because capitalism is always trying to destroy their Utopian dreams.

These people have constructed a wonderful la-la-land in their heads... devoid of any realities. In my world, that is mental illness... a failure to grasp reality. But these days, instead of locking them up, burning them at the stake, throwing them in rubber rooms or banishing them from the tribe... we give them microphones, TV time and laugh when they can't afford their Luxury DC apartment payments.

In many ways, liberalism is nothing short of mental illness...



This is probably the best most coherent explanation I have read of the sickness of Libtard/ Socialism in awhile. ?
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