Oakville Trafalgar High School in Ontario, Canada is part of the Halton District School Board. They’ve been promoting gender identity ideology in schools for a few years, so this probably won’t surprise them at all.
A shop teacher who taught last year as a man showed up in class this year looking a little different.
I don't remember my shop teacher looking like thispic.twitter.com/pHHr58Zspa
— King Royce Lopez II(@hippojuicefilm) September 14, 2022
I regret to inform all of the males (and I presume jealous females) reading this that those humongous breasts aren’t real. In fact, we’d be hard-pressed to find anything “real” about “Kayla Lemieux,” who last year was teaching shop as a man named “Stephen Hanna.”
If you guessed that the kids that Lemieux taught are caught between desperately wanting to make fun of the disturbed man and knowing they could be expelled for doing so, you’re right.
“The kids here most definitely don’t think its normal… but realistically we can’t say anything,” one student said on Twitter, “Last year, the teacher was a man. I don’t think the school can fire him.”
Set aside concerns about transgenderism and look at this from the standpoint of a mental health issue. It’s entirely unnecessary for Lemieux to wear these huge prosthetic breasts. And if Lemieux claims it’s part of some kind of “gender discovery process,” the teacher needs a mental health intervention. In fact, Lemieux’s obvious fascination with breasts is more reminiscent of a teenage boy’s fantasy rather than anything having to do with transgender male/female identity.Lemieux is listed within the faculty directory on the OTHS website. His official school e-mail address is also connected to a Google account which has a photo visually verifying his identity.
Reduxx reached out to OTHS administrators for comment, and they did confirm that Lemieux is currently employed at the school, but refused any further questions.
True North:
For Hanna/Lemieux to deliberately parade ludicrously large mammaries in front of hormone-infused teenage boys borders on sexual exhibitionism. It’s a prurient display reminiscent of porn in that there is no redeeming personal or professional value in such a display. Lemieux/Hanna is wearing the fake breasts to elicit a sexual response.According to websites selling these prosthetic breasts, the largest pair can weigh up to 35 pounds (16,000 grams).
Both Lemieux and the school’s principal Meredith Cammisuli did not respond to a True North request for comment on the appropriateness of her presentation.
But on Friday afternoon, the school removed the list of staff and their e-mail addresses from its website.
Firing Lemieux/Hanna would be a gift. Arresting the porn actor is what is deserved.