Is this even legal?


Mar 4, 2021
I had about two weeks off from Covid from my job. I noticed in my time-keeping app, they listed 8 hours pay for each day I was off (they were provided with the positive results from my doctor).

So this Friday, I never received pay for that period so I sent an email to HR, asking what had happened. She responded to me, and basically said “Our bad, we forgot that you aren’t vaccinated. Only vaccinated employees will receive quarantine pay in the event of a positive COVID test”.

You fuckin’ serious, Clark? Now, it’s one thing if the company decides not to pay at all; my last employer didn’t. Positive individuals had to go through their short-term provider.. but deciding which employees get paid for that time off based on their vaccination status is fucking ludicrous in my eyes.

Any of your companies trying to pull this shit?
Since you have the email there's two choices. Pay a lawyer to go out to lunch with their lawyer and maybe a round of golf. They will conclude that the company may or may not have the legal right to do it. Your lawyer will give you a bill for his time and the golf lunch. Then he'll ask if you want to pursue it further.
Or see the answer in post #2.
I have it in writing, in a company email direct from Human Resources.
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My employer is doing something similar. If you're vaccinated and get Covid, you continue to get paid, no problem. If you are unvaccinated and get Covid, you can get paid, but have to use your sick days. My employer is also still requiring masking in the office, so that sucks.
sadly this seems to be happening everywhere and seems perfectly legal
the company has informed you what steps to take in order to "qualify" for the paid time off

and post 2 does have some words of wisdom...
you have more workplace drama than any other person i have ever conversed with.

one person said to you in a previous workplace drama thread of yours that ‘you are a liability. i wouldnt hire you to walk the dog’ of something very similar.

and here you are, a week later, proving that guy’s point to be dead nuts on. and i’ll do you one more….if you dont have a year with the company, as far as i am concerned….you have very little ground to stand on. what are you at with that outfit? 2 months?

i’m sorry, but after your claim of “juggling 3 jobs” which was really you trying to decide which of 3 jobs you were going to take, as opposed to the traditional definition of WORKING 3 JOBS simultaneously, i have a real hard time getting sucked into your nonsense.
I had about two weeks off from Covid from my job. I noticed in my time-keeping app, they listed 8 hours pay for each day I was off (they were provided with the positive results from my doctor).

So this Friday, I never received pay for that period so I sent an email to HR, asking what had happened. She responded to me, and basically said “Our bad, we forgot that you aren’t vaccinated. Only vaccinated employees will receive quarantine pay in the event of a positive COVID test”.

You fuckin’ serious, Clark? Now, it’s one thing if the company decides not to pay at all; my last employer didn’t. Positive individuals had to go through their short-term provider.. but deciding which employees get paid for that time off based on their vaccination status is fucking ludicrous in my eyes.

Any of your companies trying to pull this shit?
Yes, I work in the local public sector. I've been informed that if we are vaxxed, and get the wuflu, we get two weeks off, free. If we're unvaxxed, we have to take sick time and vacation, if we exceed our banked sick time. No, it's not descriminatory... :cautious:
My company just announced vax mandate as of April. Annual bonus paid early March.
Lol.. and they've been complaining about "regrettable loss" before now. It will be epic.
that place must be LOADED with stupid…..the entire world is starting to pull back. even people who drank the kool aid are starting to regret taking the jab and more and more real world effects are coming to light.

you ain’t a shitting…..should be an epic exodus.
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Take your annual bonus for the previous year and find a good job.

If you can't hide your sickness your employer and coworkers could require medical clearance to return to work.
If it comes out you knew (rather than thought) you had Covid, TB, or even the Flu, and subjected others to illness, I hope they toss you out on your ear.

If you don't want the jab, find a job that does not require it.
Yes, I work in the local public sector. I've been informed that if we are vaxxed, and get the wuflu, we get two weeks off, free. If we're unvaxxed, we have to take sick time and vacation, if we exceed our banked sick time. No, it's not descriminatory... :cautious:
aint it funny how fast HIPAA got thrown out the window?
Oh shit.
Its the "I ain't working no nightshift" dude.
Suck it up buttercup.
Better men than you on this board have been fucked out of decades long careers.
Grow a set and get another job.
I'm betting you are .....early to mid 20s?
You'll be fine. Hunker down and make your mark, and quit whining and bitching.
Oh shit.
Its the "I ain't working no nightshift" dude.
Suck it up buttercup.
Better men than you on this board have been fucked out of decades long careers.
Grow a set and get another job.
I'm betting you are .....early to mid 20s?
You'll be fine. Hunker down and make your mark, and quit whining and bitching.
i left my job of 25 years over their bullshit. i do not expect my next employer to owe me anything other than a fair shake. be honest with me, and i’ll do like i have always done…i will work my ass off to make them successful.

You'll find som sleazy money grubbing POS lawyer who'll take it on commission. ;)
How many lawsuits have you fought and won?

You always toss the word lawsuit around like it's kryptonite.
You've already lost by the time you've called a lawyer.

I'm not saying that the OP has a case or not and I myself would be pretty pissed if I was discriminated like this.

OP, if I were you I'd start a paper trail now.
Anytime you talk to anyone do so through email if you can or in writing to establish the story.
You'd think that privacy or HIPPA would kick in here somewhere.
Find out if any federal money was used within the company related to COVID-19
"aint it funny how fast HIPAA got thrown out the window?"
Does having an infectious disease require disclosure?
who says you have an infectious disease? see, that’s the rub. just because a person might have a headache…what the fuck does that mean? an elevated temperature? same same.

i could have a fucking headache from that fucking wisdom tooth pushing on my jaw; and the elevated temperature could be because of my workout before i came to work. NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS.

this all comes back to the point that if your day to day activities were changed because of covid….then you were doing things wrong the entire time. i’ll take care of my responsibilities, i dont need someone else telling me how to use my common fucking sense.
A positive Covid test from your doctor? You opt to stay home for two weeks and expect to get payed?

I would find out if the Covid/stay home/get payed policy was published in something you were required to know.
The email from HR should have stated the policy you missed.
Like a "per company policy bla, bla, bla" reference.

See if you can get a lawyer to work for 50% of your two weeks lost pay.
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California is a Good? example to follow?
The dems repealed the criminal aspect of Aids disclosure in 2018.
and to protect what group of people?

This thread sounds like someone wanted to soak the company for two weeks free leave.
They probably have an cumulative sick day and vacation policy in addition to a special Covid payed leave policy.
Take sick leave, use vacation if you don't like or don't want to collect special pay for being jabbed.
Sounds like a JAB BONUS you are complaining about.
You were allowed to work without the jab, and want special treatment?
Maybe because you hadn't built up 2 weeks of payed time off yet.

Two questions I have are;
Would you have just gone to work sick if you had known you would have to use sick days/vacation?
Are you going to retaliate against the company for cheating you?
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We have no sick days/pay at my job, only annual vacation days, at least it's that way for the people who do the real work anyhow as managers get quite a bit more time off. That's okay though, we actually make more than our managers do.

Early on (2020) we had a special allowance of four days paid for COVID, which I had to take because I was quarantined by the state health dept after the wife tested positive, figured out I could get back to work faster if I tested positive, backdated first symptoms a couple days. No big deal, had a week off work with a few days even paid, took care of the missus, went back to work and didn't miss a beat otherwise. It did ruin decades worth of a streak of never taking a day off for illness or injury, including everything from standing post in Liberia in the middle of a Civil War with the flu, to TBI in Afghanistan after one hell of a VBIED about 50 yds from me and a few dozen smaller injuries and diseases in between. A cold like COVID? Pfft, I didn't even have bile spraying out of me at both ends, why would I have taken a day off for it? Only because I was forced to.

A couple weeks ago the missus feels like crap again, exposed at work with all the Omnicron going around like wildfire, and she calls out from work. Since she started a new job in December she has no sick or vacation days (she got the shots, never wanted it again because first go was really bad, but we know how that works) so she just takes the LWOP for a couple days, works from home for a couple more days, then back to the office way too early feeling like shit. This time I made sure the missus knew to not rat me out to public health. Did I have it again? I would never know because if you don't want to be COVID positive, don't take a fucking test. I didn't take a single minute off work, told my co-workers to stay clear of me because I do care about the people I work with, all is good. I haven't even touched a stupid mask in months, much less worn one.

Want their special hookups, get their special shots. Don't want them, don't fucking bitch about it.

Act like men and man the fuck up, get to fucking work.
To late for you since you came clean about having Covid. But we are in a new world now, where the less ANYONE knows about your health, the better. Uncle Joe will send you free Chinese made Covid tests now, so you don't even have to go to a clinic to be tested. None of their fucking business. Or if you prefer, tell them you've now started identifying as a female and are recently pregnant and will need a few months paid time off. No company today will even question it, hell you may get promoted.
A positive Covid test from your doctor? You opt to stay home for two weeks and expect to get payed?
now ask him how long he has been at this job…..
Shit, this guy again.....
Maybe you should find a baby momma with a job and be a stay at home leech.....
and quit breeding.
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you are lucky if that app does not track your every move sending that data to some shady government agency who intern send people to track you down gay gang rape you and hog tie you if you go against anything they tell you .... lol pleasant dreams . :ROFLMAO: