Is this real???


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

President Trump's cabinet is a group of perhaps the MOST Internet literate people in the world. After all, the right OWNS the memes and won the Meme War of 2020-2024 leading to the election victory. They, and the POTUS himself, are intimately familiar with the daily cascade of horror and shock from all over the Internet showing wanton violence, demonic acts by cartels and predators, tit-for-tat warfare in all of the war torn hotspots all over the globe, and they know that the 2nd Amendment is why the USA has been kept almost entirely free from these actions.

Peace and civility is only possible when it is ENFORCED, and not one-sided by state uniformed personnel either.
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President Trump's cabinet is a group of perhaps the MOST Internet literate people in the world. After all, the right OWNS the memes and won the Meme War of 2020-2024 leading to the election victory. They, and the POTUS himself, are intimately familiar with the daily cascade of horror and shock from all over the Internet showing wanton violence, demonic acts by cartels and predators, tit-for-tat warfare in all of the war torn hotspots all over the globe, and they know that the 2nd Amendment is why the USA has been kept almost entirely free from these actions.

Peace and civility is only possible when it is ENFORCED, and not one-sided by state uniformed personnel either.

Let us hope, then, that one of those cabinet members, namely AG Pam Bondi, gets the message. They have GOT to get Red Flag laws repealed. That should be our number one priority. Like I say... We could have the most optimum Pro-2A society possible. Full Natl. Reciprocity, Constitutional Carry, Elimination of the NFA, etc. etc. None of any of that means a hill of beans if LE can just come into your house, unannounced and confiscate your inventory and leave you high and dry with little if any hope of recovering it!

ERPO has got to go!
This is the same guy that banned bump stocks and said (paraphrased) “take the guns first and worry about due process later…”