It should give us the Chills when Communists start making lists....


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

Three months into her tenure as the dumbest post-turtle ever to sit in the U.S. House, and this Commie nimrodski is already making her lists.

You know who else made lists?







Pol Pot

East Germans, Romanians, Vietnamese, Venezuelans... and more genocidal maniacs than we can count.

Amazing... the first thing these crazy commies do when they get the first bit of power/appratchik... is to start making lists. Wonder when she is going to recruit her own little 'Greenshirts' army and have a little Putsch... probably at a Starbucks, since they'd never let her into a Bierhall...

Remember... most of the above people wrote manifestos and said, in advance, what they were going to do. So is Occasional Cortex. She is already dribbling out her Mein Kampf... and her version of the untermenchen... are those of us in 'flyover country.' You know... the ones who 'want to be like us' according to Bill "Useful Idiot" Mahar.


She is the best bet for Trump in 2020. The more she and her kind propagate their beliefs, the better it will be used as a label for all things attached to the Democratic Party. The fact that the Pelosis, Schumers and other old stalwarts are doing nothing will be their downfall.

Assuming that the Republicans are smart enough to do it
This here Obnoxio-Cortex is constantly breaking barriers and setting records. I'd heard that it continues to plow new depths into uncharted depravity. Seems the strength of it's convictions can pull trains uphill. And yet its benefits to mankind have yet to be seen or detected on any electron-microscopes.

Is this where black-holes come from? Or go to?
All these historical "signals" and I say to myself "How do you not see the parallels?"

It makes the post Holocaust refrain "Never Forget" such a joke.

Every historical horror should be just ended with the statement "Until we meet again"
Because history was only taught through our generation. As a requirement in schools the began teaching only the parts they were comfortable with starting in the 70's. Kids now think history started with Bill Clinton!! :mad:

Three months into her tenure as the dumbest post-turtle ever to sit in the U.S. House, and this Commie nimrodski is already making her lists.

You know who else made lists?







Pol Pot

East Germans, Romanians, Vietnamese, Venezuelans... and more genocidal maniacs than we can count.

Amazing... the first thing these crazy commies do when they get the first bit of power/appratchik... is to start making lists. Wonder when she is going to recruit her own little 'Greenshirts' army and have a little Putsch... probably at a Starbucks, since they'd never let her into a Bierhall...

Remember... most of the above people wrote manifestos and said, in advance, what they were going to do. So is Occasional Cortex. She is already dribbling out her Mein Kampf... and her version of the untermenchen... are those of us in 'flyover country.' You know... the ones who 'want to be like us' according to Bill "Useful Idiot" Mahar.


You fuckin left out Army Jerry!
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Because history was only taught through our generation. As a requirement in schools the began teaching only the parts they were comfortable with starting in the 70's. Kids now think history started with Bill Clinton!! :mad:

Had to spend a lot of time in my kids 5th grade class last year do to a messed up situation.

I was kind of impressed that their instruction on the Revolution so heavily focused on the French and Indian War being the source and cause of the Revolution.......and rightfully so as the cost was being burdened on the shoulders of the colonies without their having representation in parliament to negotiate it.

Thing is though the kids arent held to any standard to understand it and basically if they show up to class breathing the curved grade will get them by.

Cant entirely blame the individual teacher its a bigger problem of lowered standards.

To let that sink in - Lets not forget AOC graduated BU with a degree in Economics - not Home Economics - fucking the functioning of an Economy type economics.
It's kind of good that the Lunatic communists have taken over the Democrat party & are busy destroying it to make it the new American Communist party. At least then the sheeple won't have any excuse to claim they didn't know what they were voting for... Straight hard core Communists...
some how i think the list was probably was more like the furry princess want : 1. a pony 2. a ham sandwich 3. someone to pick up her hocked dry cleaning 4. a larger soap box with spotlights and fancy dancing monkeys everywhere she speaks. and neon signs and glitter so she sparkles..
She should start with a book not mein kampf , maybe basic economics. or a nice dick and jane . she could then report on seeing spot run .
You know... the ones who 'want to be like us' according to Bill "Useful Idiot" Mahar.

What better place for me to "come out" and reveal my true reason for wanting to win the Powerball or megamillions lottery.
Now that the concept has been posted, I feel compelled to reveal my true motive in attaining multi millions.

To buy a hunk of land measured in acres spanning 4 digits? No way.
To invest in my community around my square miles compound? Oh not a chance.
To own a couple rifles chambered for 5 and ten dollar bills? Pffft! What's the fun in that?
To buy Match Kings and Berger's to be handed out like party favors, at my shooting festivals to be hosted on The Chikn Ranch? Uh! Gross! No way!
To go fishing and hunting whenever and wherever my enormous redneck brain can conjure? Eh, sounds boring.
To own tax stamp collection that would make an ardent philatelist drool? Booooring!

Oh no. My dream is to buy my way into Hollywood to rub elbows and hob nob with Hollywood elites. To have directors and actors swoon at the prospect of me investing in their next production.
To entertain stars and starlets, and give out little bags of ultra expensive designer creams(a little dab'll do ya).
To have my name rolling in the credits, of yet another Hollywood version of "The Crying Game".

Now that is the kind of dream that a lowly redneck like myself aspires to....hell deep down it's what we all really want. Pure jealousy is our real problem with the city dwelling elit......

Sorry, I just couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
I'd pay some serious attention to this twat . Hitler was an angry loser of a painter and just found a crowd that enjoyed his flavor of bullshit and psycho . This bitch is cut from the same cloth .
This. I get a vibe from her. I think she resonates with the current generation of indoctrinated sjws. One should never underestimate the gullibility of spoiled and disenfranchised youth. It is truly their world to destroy.
She is the terrorist, who is she to be telling me I have to fund people who are here illegal, people who are too lazy to work, people who are 4-5th generation on the public tit. Why do I have to be a slave to that? Where is it written that making me a Tax slave is legal per the COTUS or The BOR's? Why do tics get to live outside the law an have totally different health care? So tell me who the true domestic terrorists are, the people who live within the COTUS or those who are shitting upon it. Illegals being able to vote, getting a Drivers license, free to them medical care via the true domestic terrorists, those who enacted the illegal law in the first place.
These are nothing but Crimes against the COTUS an that makes those persons domestic terrorists by any definition.
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