AI facial recognition led to 8-month pregnant woman's wrongful carjacking arrest in front of kids: lawsuit
An eight-month pregnant woman, Porcha Woodruff, was arrested by Detroit police for a carjacking that she did not commit based on faulty AI-powered facial recognition.
In the shittiest shit hole in my ever shittier state (though I’m in rural farm county and love it !) Detroit PD has been using a very Shitty AI facial recognition program to identify criminals, because they are absolutely useless in solving crimes - like when they had 11,000 untested rape kits in a storage unit that had homeless living in it and stealing evidence from it . Anyhow the relatively new program has already resulted in 3 federal lawsuits and to date hasn’t actually solved a crime or identified the correct person. But not ones to give up easily on a terrible idea and being fresh out of fresh ideas it’s still being used . Resulting in an 8month pregnant lady - with no tattoos being identified as a Jack jacker and armed robber . And maybe there are several hugely pregnant armed robbers but this particular armed robber they were looking for had lots of tattoos and wasn’t obviously extremely pregnant. But not being easily deterred while preforming the people’s business they proceed with the arrest and all charges were later dropped because of lack of evidence and a new federal lawsuit was filed on Aug 8th.
The only comment this far from DPD “we were just doin hour job and arrested who the machine told us to arrest “.