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It's 2020 already, has there EVER been a REAL WOMAN on SH?

why are you looking for love on a shooting forum ? lol nothing wrong with it if you are its just not the love boat forums . Id love seeing any one shoot well woman or man its a neat way to learn watching someone else also seeing others gear regardless of gender god bless us all I love shooting not going to the range looking for anything unless its a nice string of 5 shots . But it is sexy seeing a woman shooting a gun and doing it well .

lol ha ha ha
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Me when I realize there are female members in a thread that I just posted in:

Shooting isn’t a physical feat. A woman outshooting a man seems logical enough. Now arm wrestling or fist fighting......

Female archers have been prominent in historical military forces, especially in China, Korea, and Vietnam. Marksmanship has always preferred cool, calculated heads over the brute force "grunt" mentality employed by front rank pikemen, sword swingers, and door kickers. In Viet folklore, a pair of beautiful sisters were described as extremely lethal and accurate shots who fired at long range while riding on the back of an elephant and decimated an invading Chinese army at the peak of the Tang Dynasty, forcing the Chinese to retreat, an incredible feat given how powerful the imperial Chinese army had been during this time. That folktale is still the official national tale of Vietnam...
No, NOT Hillary, Karens, or Kamala types, or those of you with a 5 o'clock shadow who dress up in women's clothing either!
What difference does it make? Are you looking for single women or do you want to shoot against a woman? Seeing as you’re fairly new here it would be a good idea to make it clear what you’re after.
What difference does it make? Are you looking for single women or do you want to shoot against a woman? Seeing as you’re fairly new here it would be a good idea to make it clear what you’re after.

Finding single women isn't a problem, and I am just learning long distance, so most women or men with novice experience I'm sure shoot better than me, just looking for balanced input!
Finding single women isn't a problem, and I am just learning long distance, so most women or men with novice experience I'm sure shoot better than me, just looking for balanced input!
You want balanced input about what? You didn’t really ask any question that would require and shooting knowledge
just looking for balanced input!

You sound suspiciously like you have been infected with SJW / Communist propaganda.

Generally here we go by: can you shoot, do you have experience, do you know what you are talking about, are you a decent intelligent being.

Gender, Race, Creed etc. don't really come into play unless there is a specific need for a specific bit of information that requires a specific human experience. Even then, you can probably find someone who knows what they are talking about and has someone they personally know with that specific human experience (even if they haven't had it themselves) to offer you advice.
Chill out. I'm definitely conservative. You're looking for something you won't find. What's wrong with the question? Seriously. Facetious tongue in cheek. Don't need to toss testosterone around.

Oh wait, I just did find the group of Karens on SH....
Chill out. I'm definitely conservative. You're looking for something you won't find. What's wrong with the question? Seriously. Facetious tongue in cheek. Don't need to toss testosterone around.

Oh wait, I just did find the group of Karens on SH....
The question has nothing to do with shooting. It comes across like you’re searching for beaver, not shooting knowledge. Unless you have big titties and want first hand experience shooting prone like that. I’m not sure what a woman can answer that a male couldn’t
Chill out. I'm definitely conservative. You're looking for something you won't find. What's wrong with the question? Seriously. Facetious tongue in cheek. Don't need to toss testosterone around.

Oh wait, I just did find the group of Karens on SH....
No one said anything about being conservative!!!
You just tried to justify yourself by claiming to be conservative!!! I don't care if your conservative or liberal when it comes to what you typed. Im responding to what you typed!!!
You showed up and tried to puff up!!! Bad choice!! The smart choice now is to say " I'm sorry I was out of line" and go hide in the corner for a week. While your in the corner read and learn...

Get a feel for things!
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Look, I'm not posting this in a real shooting area of the forum, hence it's a generic question/comment. Why posted in the bear pit. I'm hoping to stimulate some more interest from some of the women on SH who might actually be here, because I value all opinions. Women often come at things from a different perspective, and I'm simply trying to see if any would jump in more. I read a lot of the shooting replies from members who have 1000% more experience from me, and value that, and am learning from that, and can evaluate choices of equipment, experience, etc.

I realized this morning I don't think I've seen any women members replying. Maybe one or two of you might go "Y" woman is great shooter and offers tons of info. I don't care if she's single, married, or lesbian, but she might offer a different perspective than us sometimes knuckle dragging men. That simple.
Chill out. I'm definitely conservative. You're looking for something you won't find. What's wrong with the question? Seriously. Facetious tongue in cheek. Don't need to toss testosterone around.

Oh wait, I just did find the group of Karens on SH....
First rule of finding yourself in a hole.
Stop digging.
I’m a “real woman.” My family raised me (or tried to anyway) to live the role as a housewife. I should grow lots of babies, spend the day cooking and cleaning, and not doing physical work. That never sat well. When I was told no, I found a way around it. The same goes with shooting. I show up. I wear lady's clothes (not tacticool clothing) which looks like cut-off shorts, flip-flops, a tank top, and a backwards hat (I feel cool in a backwards hat 🤷🏻‍♀️). My goal when shooting is to listen to my team, learn something, make friends, and have fun. Any questions?
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I’m a real woman. I’ve even grown two healthy humans. My family raised me (or tried to anyway) to live the role as a housewife. I should grow lots of babies, spend the day cooking and cleaning, and not doing physical work. That never sat well. When I was told no, I found a way around it. The same goes with shooting. I show up. I wear lady's clothes (not tacticool clothing) which looks like cut-off shorts, flip-flops, a tank top, and a backwards hat (I feel cool in a backwards hat 🤷🏻‍♀️). My goal when shooting is to listen to my team, learn something, make friends, and have fun. Any questions?

Kudos on "grown two healthy humans." Dad of three women myself. Same goal.
Women are needed in the shooting sports to ensure that it survives.

My wife shoots comps and runs a rifle comp. Her group brings more women into the shooting sports.

These days we need all the participation we can get.

The bear pit is sort of a rough place to hang out, lots of venting of steam and then some.

Keeps us off the streets.
And, if your main goal really is “balance” and you want to be super “woke”, there are way more than two “genders” according to the currently accepted “woke” thinking. You don’t want to be transphobic bro. To be “balanced” to see what all genders think You need to include trans people and all genders. Their voices matter too and you’re silencing them with you non-inclusion. They are being “other’d” by your posts.

TFF. Okay, next post headline will be more inclusive to be "woke." I don't think I've ever said or typed that word before. LOL.
most women that I know at least like it when you value their opinion for its merits not because of their status as a woman. It’s like telling a woman that something she does is “good for a girl”. Doesn’t normally go over too well lol

your thinking is a non-starter if the value of an opinion is to be based on merit and not someone’s status as being a member of a certain group

LOL. "good for a girl" is often (not always) better than a boy/man......I've raised three daughters, and have said a time or two "girls and women are smarter than boys and men."
Shooting isn’t a physical feat. A woman outshooting a man seems logical enough. Now arm wrestling or fist fighting......
To be honest, my wife out shoots me on a daily basis, definitely with a pistol, she started shooting late enough in life she didn’t have years worth of bad habits to overcome when she started shooting long range, her fundamentals and trigger control is impeccable. But I still have to load her deer up for her!
Women are needed in the shooting sports to ensure that it survives.

My wife shoots comps and runs a rifle comp. Her group brings more women into the shooting sports.

These days we need all the participation we can get.

The bear pit is sort of a rough place to hang out, lots of venting of steam and then some.

Keeps us off the streets.

At the end of the day, it's all good. Very interesting to see various mindsets, and I'm pretty sure 99.99% of us could have our favorite cold beverage together and laugh.

However, being a Packers fan, was tough to be in a "Bear Pit."
What difference does it make? Are you looking for single women or do you want to shoot against a woman? Seeing as you’re fairly new here it would be a good idea to make it clear what you’re after.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is trying to figure the bast way to offer membership to his wife or gf.
It’s like telling a woman that something she does is “good for a girl”. Doesn’t normally go over too well lol
Y'know, four years ago, someone tried this with my cousin. Who is a girl, shoots, fishes, is a great Southern gal. What did some random woman tell her?

"You're voting for Hillary, right?"
"Uh... no. I'm not."
"But you're a WOMAN!"

Great restraint was required to keep my cousin from verbally ripping her two new ones, lol.