It's 2020 Handle Your Dope
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t is a new year, so we want to look at how we are doing business on the firing line. The reliance on software, our smartphones have made many shooters lazy when it comes to managing their dope.
We have moved away from lugging a databook everywhere we take our rifles. I still use them, and absent of my official databook I will carry a small Rite in the Rain notebook to record the data. I recently stumbled on a website, Tactical Notebook Covers, and upgraded my databook package with an enhanced cover. It helps me organize my information in a much more manageable package.
Databooks, Wrist Commanders, Software, Apps, We have a ton of ways to manage our data.
If we look at two of the most critical factors we work with, Precision and Accuracy, we quickly see why we want to manage our data for future success. Precision is how big of a group we shoot, while accuracy is our ability to hit, point of aim, point of impact. Our ability to interpret our data is what establishes our certainty. If our given rifle scenario requires us to hit a 2 MOA target at 833 yards away, we need to know the wind and trajectory necessary to hit the target. That is our DOPE or Data on Previous Engagement. What did we use to hit a specific target under known conditions? It lays it out for us in the name; we need to recognize and understand those known conditions to give the scope the proper inputs.
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