I have a drawer full of IWB holsters... sparks, hume, alessi, etc.... the only one I wear now is crossbreed. I have the standard metal clips, amd have never torn a seat on my car, truck, any of that. The cross breed in my opinion is the best iwb out there. The thin profile, adjustability, weight dispersion across the belt/pants is exceptional. I have a belt from them as well. Great product. I also carry that holster with a DSG arms belt as well, and it is great. I have used the crossbreed almost daily for several years. Horsehide, with the combat cut. I do not like any other manufacturer that I have tried so far. The trouble I have found, is that yiu can either try a bunch of them out u till you eventually find that the crossbreed is the best, or you can simply get one rightoff the bat, and be happy from day one, with a little extra drawer space. Oh, and I carry either a glock 22, 23, and have even carried my Glock 35 in that holster perfectly fine.