July 2019 Topstraps Longrange (Midrange) Match
Usually in July Jamboree in the Hills is located near my house and they use property behind us for camping so I skip July matches. I had planned on having one this month on the second weekend by my Wife kinda scheduled a visit to her Nieces this weekend and it happens to be very close to Carlise and this coming weekend is the Chrysler event so it looks like I'll be spending time looking at Mopar cars and parts while she's chatting and sharing family stuff ........ dang.......
So it looks like we'll be going there and my match for this coming weekend (July 12, 13 and 14th) won't be happening. If anyone is interested I could plan for one on the third weekend this month and revert back to the second weekend in August again.
Let me know if there is interest in having one on the third weekend, I know there are so many shoots now that it's hard to plan anything that isn't overlapping with 2 or 3 others.
Usually in July Jamboree in the Hills is located near my house and they use property behind us for camping so I skip July matches. I had planned on having one this month on the second weekend by my Wife kinda scheduled a visit to her Nieces this weekend and it happens to be very close to Carlise and this coming weekend is the Chrysler event so it looks like I'll be spending time looking at Mopar cars and parts while she's chatting and sharing family stuff ........ dang.......
So it looks like we'll be going there and my match for this coming weekend (July 12, 13 and 14th) won't be happening. If anyone is interested I could plan for one on the third weekend this month and revert back to the second weekend in August again.
Let me know if there is interest in having one on the third weekend, I know there are so many shoots now that it's hard to plan anything that isn't overlapping with 2 or 3 others.