June 2023 Topstraps Rimfire Challenge


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 3, 2009
East side of Ohio
It's time again for another wonderful but frustrating Topstraps Longrange (Midrange) Rimfire Match at my range. I'll be here from Friday thru Sunday (June 9th, 10th and 11th.) from about 8:00 AM till it starts to get dark. Don't wait until evening hoping for calm winds and hope to shoot since there may not be enough time to finish up the ones in line. Mornings can sometimes have a wait period but you can come any time thru the day. It takes roughly an hour at most to finish the match. Early mornings sometimes get backed up also so plan accordingly, I'll stay until it gets dark or the last shooter gets thru.

Last month had a super turnout which I appreciate and I do hope having to wait to shoot did not upset anyone. Just the way it is with this many targets and two shooters at a time. I am asking to help speed things up to get everyone thru in a timely fashion to be ready to shoot and do so in a timely manner. No need to rush thru but keep things moving. I'm also asking for help in spotting/scoring for the second shooter so I don't have to switch back and forth and two shooters and move thru the course at the same time. I know it's hard to spot and some worry about getting it wrong but it's how we learn and we still get it wrong occasionally. I have two spotting scopes set up and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Match will be similiar to last year since everyone seemed to like it. 85 targets worth 1 point each. There can sometimes be a gamble target or targets and also a possibility or a KYL (Know Your Limit) rack or two. It lets the competitor have some input on how they want to shoot the match. Could be a Hero or a Zero. Distances will be 25, 37, 50, 62, 76, 87, 100, 112, 125, 137, 150, 162, 175, 187 and 197 yards of varying sizes and shapes. I will allow up 5 sighters the shooter can use at whatever stages they wish. I'll also let each shooter take a couple shots to check their zero before starting.

This year I'm going to try something new. I'll have a "A" classs and a "B" class. "A" class is any any gun/scope combo that uses a tuner or Benchrest type rests/equipment and ammo costing more than $10.00/50. "B" class will be any gun/scope combo and ammo costing less than $10.00/50. This does not include shipping/tax. I'll base this on checking prices at Good Shooting Inc since she has very fair prices and a good assortment of ammo. The First Place finisher in both classes will get a free entry unless the "B" class shooter shoots the highest overall score and they knock out the "A" winner, this will keep the "A" competitors on their toes and give big bragging rights to the "B" competitor that can beat them. Might keep the regular Joes that feel they can't compete with the high end shooters shooting with similiar type equipment shooting knowing they are competing on a more even playing field. I'll also still have the peep sight targets up so those of us that enjoy that challenge have targets we can use and compete with the scoped guns.

Any 22 rimfire gun/scope is allowed. I try to keep my matches challenging and fun and so far it's been working out pretty good with most everyone hitting a lot of the targets and a few smaller/harder/gamble ones that separate the top shooters. Peep shooters don't have higher value gamble targets but the difficulty of their sights and other factors make it nearly on par with the scope competitors.

A donation of $10.00 per each entry and you can re-enter if you wish but have to get in line again. The match winner will get a free entry at the next shoot. The range officer/scorer has final say, we tend to favor the shooter if there is a question about a nicker which is counted. When the target is painted I'll check to verify a hit/nick for scoring.

The firing line is covered and there are two benches so two shooters can shoot the course of fire together. I also have a set of 4moa circles, one at each distance for the metallic sight shooters. If there are 5 scoped targets on a stage then the peep sight shooters shoot their target 5 times. They look large until you look at them without magnification, anytime someone thinks the peep sight shooters have an advantage they are more than welcome to sit behind one of our guns and give it a try. They are very doable and add a new challenge to this longrange game and let them compete with the scoped guys with very similiar scores so bring out those metallic sighted rimfires. A young or very new shooter can shoot the larger sighter plates since this is about having fun and learning and everyone likes to hit what they are aiming at. For a new competitor allowances for more sighters and help will be given.

100 rounds should be sufficient with 85 targets and some type of special final stage to challenge your skills and also a few checking zero rounds. If a shooter misses two targets in a row I usually let them take an extra sighter to get back on target rather than keep sending rounds downrange and having a pile of misses.

Any questions my email is [email protected] Address is 43985 S. 70 Rd. Belmont Ohio

Hope to see everyone.

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