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Rifle Scopes Just a quick question


Full Member
Aug 4, 2007
Houston Texas USA
Which is more important, mounting the scope as close to the rifle as possible or having a larger objective size? At what point does having a larger objective size not pay off?
Re: Just a quick question

When you have to add a cheek piece to get your face behind the gun is when it begins to cost you.

Getting the objective down is preferred but if your glass is mid grade the larger objective may be of some benifit to you. On high end glass the larger objective can litteraly overpower your eye giving he target a washed out or even blurry appearance.

Personaly I like the best glass I can get and get it down on the gun as far as I can.


Re: Just a quick question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doc76251</div><div class="ubbcode-body">On high end glass the larger objective can litteraly overpower your eye giving he target a washed out or even blurry appearance</div></div>

Impossible! A larger objective will never cause the resolving power of a scope to get worse -- quite the opposite is true. A large exit pupil may "waste light", in that not all the light from the scope is going to make its way to your retina.

The larger objective makes your scope useful at higher magnifications, and improves viewing in low light, but working at high magnification has its downsides as well. Bigger scopes also weigh more, so that's a factor as well.

If you're going to be doing long-distance shooting, you should go for the larger objective.