Just announced from Leupold - New Mark 4HD Riflescopes


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Jan 24, 2006
Old Bethpage NY


Just announced from Leupold:

183314Mark 4HD 1-4.5x24 (30mm) M1C3 SFP HPR-1$ 1,149.99
183315Mark 4HD 1-4.5x24 (30mm) SFP Illum. FireDot BDC$ 999.99
183316Mark 4HD 1-4.5x24 (30mm) M5C3 SFP Illum. FireDot TMR$ 999.99
183737Mark 4HD 2.5-10x42 (30mm) M5C3 SFP illum. TMR$ 1,199.99
183738Mark 4HD 2.5-10x42 (30mm) M5C3 FFP Illum. TMR$ 1,199.99
183740Mark 4HD 2.5-10x42 (30mm) M5C3 FFP TMR$ 999.99
183741Mark 4HD 2.5-10x42 (30mm) M1C3 FFP PR1-MOA$ 999.99
183623Mark 4HD 4.5-18x52 (34mm) M1C3 Side Focus FFP Illum. PR1-MOA$ 1,599.99
183624Mark 4HD 4.5-18x52 (34mm) M5C3 Side Focus FFP Illum. PR1-Mil$ 1,599.99
183625Mark 4HD 4.5-18x52 (34mm) M1C3 Side Focus FFP PR2-MOA$ 1,399.99
183626Mark 4HD 4.5-18x52 (34mm) M5C3 Side Focus FFP PR2-Mil$ 1,399.99
183822Mark 4HD 6-24x52 (34mm) Side Focus FFP PR2- MOA$ 1,499.99
183823Mark 4HD 6-24x52 (34mm) Side Focus FFP PR2-MIL$ 1,499.99
183824Mark 4HD 6-24x52 (34mm) M5C3 Side Focus FFP PR3-MIL$ 1,499.99
183969Mark 4HD 8-32x56 (34mm) M1C3 Side Focus FFP PR2-MOA$ 1,599.99
183970Mark 4HD 8-32x56 (34mm) M5C3 Side Focus FFP PR2-Mil$ 1,599.99
183971Mark 4HD 8-32x56 (34mm) M5C3 Side Focus FFP PR3-MIL$ 1,599.99
We offer ZERO % financing on all web orders. Please look at Affirm at check out, if this is something that interests you, for 0% financing.

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Camera Land
720 Old Bethpage Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
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