First impression is not that good. It seems to be a stiff trigger pull and it measures 5.0# to 5.5# on my trigger pull gauge. I do like the distinct 2nd stage. You definitely know when you reach the 2nd stage but the trigger pull seems really high to me at 5#+. I think the Armalite 2-stage NM trigger in my Super SASS is nicer so far.
Seems like I have read in numerous places how wonderful these triggers are and how it will help shrink your groups on these POF P-308's as opposed the single stage trigger that came with it. Mind you, I have not fired the gun with it installed yet but have dry fire practiced several times.
After reading all of the praises everywhere for these triggers, I have to wonder... Am I missing something? Do these triggers "break-in" and get better?
Seems like I have read in numerous places how wonderful these triggers are and how it will help shrink your groups on these POF P-308's as opposed the single stage trigger that came with it. Mind you, I have not fired the gun with it installed yet but have dry fire practiced several times.
After reading all of the praises everywhere for these triggers, I have to wonder... Am I missing something? Do these triggers "break-in" and get better?