K&M Arbor Press Long Handle ?


Mar 4, 2024
Hi All,
I recently decided to add the K&M arbor press to my reloading process with the Le Wilson dies.
Many K&M arbor press owners seem to want a longer handle.
Can anyone tell me where longer handles are made & sold ?
Thank you,
I appreciate the feedback.
Would love to know how much longer a handle needs to be to work properly ?
I asked Dan at InlineFabrication if he can make longer handles, and he is looking into it.
Thank you
Honestly I am fine with the length handle it came with. But I don’t seat excessive force either.

I'm fine with it too. My issue is that it comes loose to often. Not a huge deal - just a bit of a pain. Most my seating is done on my AMP Press anyway. I use the K&M mostly at the range when I'm doing seating depth tests.
I made a longer handle for mine, went to Lowes and bought a steel rod and fabricated a handle twice the length of the stock one. The benefit to this the feel while seating, much more sensitive, no need for a force gauge.