Decided to build me a K98 HT sniper late last summer and finally got all the parts together this past spring and sent it off to my gunsmith to be built. Its a BYF44, L block K98k in a white glue laminated stock. The mounts are a set of Robert Spielaur High Turret and the scope is a wartime Ajack 4x90 I picked up from a friend on Gboards. The gunsmith bedded the stock , tuned the action, and even did a wartime "sloppy" solder job on the Mounts, just like the late war HT's are known for.
I had it to the range right after it came in but with the issues getting ammo I just shot surplus through it to get the feel for it. Well I finally got me some PPU 200gr FMJBT match ammo, along with some reloads from a buddy and got some range time late yesterday evening.
The HT doesn't seem to care for the PPU ammo much, but the Hand Loads are another story!
Guess I am going to be reloading 8mm in the future
I had it to the range right after it came in but with the issues getting ammo I just shot surplus through it to get the feel for it. Well I finally got me some PPU 200gr FMJBT match ammo, along with some reloads from a buddy and got some range time late yesterday evening.
The HT doesn't seem to care for the PPU ammo much, but the Hand Loads are another story!
Guess I am going to be reloading 8mm in the future
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