Kamala Harris Promises Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens, Nationwide Mail-In Voting.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

Vice President Kamala Harris is vowing to sign legislation as president that would have millions of illegal aliens eventually securing naturalized American citizenship and imposing nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting.
During a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Harris said she would back amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens through so-called “comprehensive reform.”
“We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said.

Such an amnesty would immediately fill the United States workforce with millions of newly legalized foreign workers against whom working and middle class Americans would have to compete.

Already, on President Joe Biden and Harris’s watch, American jobs have been filled with millions of newly arrived foreign workers while millions of native-born Americans have fallen out of the workforce.
“What that essentially means is that all of the job growth we have seen [under Biden and Harris] has been going to foreign-born workers — a category…which the Bureau of Labor Statistics admits includes illegal aliens,” Heritage Foundation economist E.J. Antoni has told Breitbart News.
Also during her speech, Harris said she would “finally pass” the Freedom to Vote Act to, among other things, enact nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting. The legislation would ensure that registrants could use drop boxes to turn in mail-in ballots.
Similarly, the legislation would automatically register voters unless they opt out. Specifically, states that already have automatic voter registration typically register voters through Departments of Motor Vehicle (DMV) offices.
They will succeed in their quest for communism if that were to happen. Of course that assumes dems have control of congress and the white house and I don't think that's going to help the Harris camp with black voters either
They will succeed in their quest for communism if that were to happen. Of course that assumes dems have control of congress and the white house and I don't think that's going to help the Harris camp with black voters either
They are going to succeed because nothing was done after the last election to stop the steal. Once they get the office there will be no need for a second party. There will be a dictatorship and zero opposition.
They are going to succeed because nothing was done after the last election to stop the steal. Once they get the office there will be no need for a second party. There will be a dictatorship and zero opposition.
That's not accurate. There's been a ton of stuff done. There is some vulnerability in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, for illegal ballots but there are some folks fighting that too. Pretty much the rest of the states made some good changes, and even in Michigan, Pennsylvania and whisky, there was some improvement just not enough. If our side keeps saying stuff like this and suppresses our own vote we will in fact lose. If our side turns out to vote we will win this and make some changes. We have to turn our side out. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY KEY AND ALL OF US NEED TO DO ALL WE CAN TO DO THAT. As you pointed out, this is an extremely important election and I agree with you about what will happen if commie gets in.
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That's not accurate. There's been a ton of stuff done. There is some vulnerability in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, for illegal ballots but there are some folks fighting that too. Pretty much the rest of the states made some good changes, and even in Michigan, Pennsylvania and whisky, there was some improvement just not enough. If our side keeps saying stuff like this and suppresses our own vote we will in fact lose. If our side turns out to vote we will win this and make some changes. We have to turn our side out. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY KEY AND ALL OF US NEED TO DO ALL WE CAN TO DO THAT. As you pointed out, this is an extremely important election and I agree with you about what will happen if commie gets in.
I hope you’re correct. But I know who owns the voting machines.
That's been the goal all along. Not surprised that she'd be dumb enough to say it before being elected. Their campaign is in cheapfake/deepfake mode, as it was with Biden.
Does anybody feel all of this is being done to goad us into taking action?Then they will have cause to use whatever fore they deem necessary to quell said rebellion and there will be two of their stated goals accomplished. Reduced overall population and one party rule. Only if they get their desired outcome, however.
Does anybody feel all of this is being done to goad us into taking action?Then they will have cause to use whatever fore they deem necessary to quell said rebellion and there will be two of their stated goals accomplished. Reduced overall population and one party rule. Only if they get their desired outcome, however.
I think that idea and mentality is alive and well among them. I don't know that I'd say this was done for that reason and would lean more towards the usual "anything for more power" that is typical for the dems and many pubs too. However, there's no doubt that idea and mindset is always in their general plans.

When you go read and watch about what individuals did and the major sacrifices made by the American revolutionaries and what came before the actual war, it brings home the very real fact that individuals and families made ultimate sacrifices in order for it to happen. I don't think anything has changed in that respect. In order to gain or re-gain freedom, major sacrifices, personal sacrifices, ultimate sacrifices by men with families and children is required by many. I don't know if we have the type of men today to do that or not but I think we are going to get a chance to find out sooner than later.
Already, on President Joe Biden and Harris’s watch, American jobs have been filled with millions of newly arrived foreign workers while millions of native-born Americans have fallen out of the workforce

Ok, I’m all about closing the border to illegal, unvetted, who knows where from criminal crazies. But let’s not kid ourselves. They ain’t fucking stealing jobs from any mother fucker out there wanting to work.
Tell me the last fucking time any of you saw a “white boy” picking apples, picking tomatoes, picking any type of agricultural product. Cutting grass? Landscaping any fucking thing? White boss man loves employing Jose and Jorge to cut grass and pull weeds cause “white boy” ain’t doin it for $4/hr. Drywall? Tree cutting? Concrete? Stone masonry? Digging trenches to bury cable? Shucking dirty dishes off our $100 plate dinners at our favorite sit down. Shall I continue?
How many illegals are lawyers, doctors, IT pros( excepts the tallies crossing our open border), working as auto workers, truck drivers, union jobs, Pedro no fucking habla coal mine, copper mine, lithium mine, Govt jobs.
No sir! If you wanna talk creators of crime ( stolen auto parts in the middle of the night) gangs ( Mara Salvarucha) , drugs, drain on tax base from getting govt handouts, raising my fucking health ins rate to pay for all their fucking kids they bring with them, I’m all about it, but the whole “ they be stealing our jobs” is utter fear mongering bullshit!

We stand in the bars and restaurants ranting about all the fucking illegals while they are at out homes remodeling them and cutting the grass, and picking up our trash.
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Ok, I’m all about closing the border to illegal, unvetted, who knows where from criminal crazies. But let’s not kid ourselves. They ain’t fucking stealing jobs from any mother fucker out there wanting to work.
Tell me the last fucking time any of you saw a “white boy” picking apples, picking tomatoes, picking any type of agricultural product. Cutting grass? Landscaping any fucking thing? White boss man loves employing Jose and Jorge to cut grass and pull weeds cause “white boy” ain’t doin it for $4/hr. Drywall? Tree cutting? Concrete? Stone masonry? Digging trenches to bury cable? Shucking dirty dishes off our $100 plate dinners at our favorite sit down. Shall I continue?
How many illegals are lawyers, doctors, IT pros( excepts the tallies crossing our open border), working as auto workers, truck drivers, union jobs, Pedro no fucking habla coal mine, copper mine, lithium mine, Govt jobs.
No sir! If you wanna talk creators of crime ( stolen auto parts in the middle of the night) gangs ( Mara Salvarucha) , drugs, drain on tax base from getting govt handouts, raising my fucking health ins rate to pay for all their fucking kids they bring with them, I’m all about it, but the whole “ they be stealing our jobs” is utter fear mongering bullshit!

We stand in the bars and restaurants ranting about all the fucking illegals while they are at out homes remodeling them and cutting the grass, and picking up our trash.
That's simply not true. There's lots of jobs that Americans won't do and they will do but don't kid yourself, they are absolutely taking American jobs. If you think all they are doing is washing dishes and cutting grass you are sorely mistaken. The very least they make is $200/day, so this bogus idea of 10/ hour is just a joke. What they do is have one legal guy and the rest illegal, and then the legal guy gets all the requires stuff and illegally pays the rest under his controll. This is carpenters, hvac , electrical, plumbing, as well as the labor trades completely dominated by Hispanics as well. Yes, there's plenty of jobs that generally speaking "Americans won't do for the price it pays" but it goes WELL BEYOND THAT.
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The low wages caused by the availability of cheap labor are the only reason an American might not do any given job.

Purge every single person who has overstayed their visa or who is on American soil illegally, then let the economy adjust to that reality we should've had all along. THEN implement automation for any big shortfalls in available workers. After that and only if necessary, we can have a highly controlled system of annual work visas that take DNA samples, fingerprints, pics, etc., of anyone wanting to work in America.

This is a war we're in for our Republic.
Imagine our glorious American Republic if 99.9 of votes cast were lawful and credible. Envision an America with near zero visa overstayers and illegal aliens!