Kifaru EMR or MMR? Which pack and why?


Full Member
Jan 16, 2010
I had a cfp 90 and ditched it b.c the straps where horrible. The USMC ILBE is nice but the waist belt feels like a fat piece of under designed foam. The ILBE also feels like a large ammount of weight is still on your shoulders and not the hips. I think the gen 1 kifar EMR or MMR would be a wise investment. Sure the lifetime warenty is nice but when the SHTF customer service doesnt mean much. I think the kifaru will allow me to go further and be more durable. If my pack breaks I will be out of luck.

Main reason I went with an ILBE was b.c the assault pack and ability to strap an interceptor vest on feature is nice but I after training I decided the assault pack is better left behind. I can allways keep the ILBE assault pack and put it on my kifaru.

I want to be able to do everything with my pack. I can do everything with the CFP 90, and USMC ILBE size packs. I am worried the

I ment that I would not ride a bicylce/ motor cycle/ dirtbike/ sport quad/ with a full size pack unless I had to. I would prob ditch more weight for a dirt bike and even more for a bike. My concern is the how high it would stick up past my head.

Why is the new Kifaru MMR 5200 cuI and the gen 1 4500? Is it b.c of the lid? Is the Gen 2 larger other than the lid?

Also, I have a USGI sleep system and will use that to bug out. I do however use an older ECWS down feather sleeping bag for camping. I have a newer gortex bivy for it. Will the fater USGI Goose feather bag work with the Kidaru MMR and EMR sleep pouch at the bottom? I have a kelty pack that wont let me pack the older bag in.

Is the EMR just fatter? The spec measurements dont show it to be that much taller. I would like the ability to grossly over load the pack if needed for short distance hauling. I wish i could see an EMR and MMR side by side. My largest concern with the EMR is the height. Can I use the compression straps to compress the EMR to the same dimensions as the MMR with the same ammount of gear in each?

I guess the biggest question is if the EMR and MMR have the same ammount of gear, can the EMR be compressed as small as the MMR?