That is the perfect weekend to hold it I think ,what better way to celebrate our freedoms? You wanna go watch some fireworks or make some fireworks? The people running it are the leaders in the discipline and are very capable. Anyone will have to deal with schedules so to say it knocks a majority of the people out is incorrect.what it does do is to take the people griping about every little thing out. Lets just have some fun and shoot. No body is going to cheat ,no body is going to play favorites ,nobody is going to get a one up by setting up targets or running the match. But there is always a person that has a gripe and every one of those gripes is unfounded and without merit . That is the rules and they are thought out very carefully from experience while still growing. Please understand this event is at a skill level in which a shooter must really be on his game professional or not and even more than our present capabilities will allow and is the most difficult match ever put together with emphasis on first shot hits. Being limited to 50 shooters has created some sour grapes but they are restricted by time constraints and the is the way it is . The match is growing faster then they can handle which is good but I know they will do the best they can to accommodate as many shooters as can be allowed and I am sure someday they will dedicate a whole week or two to run a 150 plus shooters match in the future but for now and just be thankful we have it.The ULRSA has some great matches and great shooters and the people running it are great as well , just a little different format.So what ? just get out and have some fun and learn ,that is what it is all about.