Suppressors Kiosk and Fingerprints


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Oct 24, 2012
Laramie, Wyoming
There is supposed to be a Kiosk at the Murdoch's in Cheyenne, WY, that I was hoping to use to get yet another silencer. (I'm down the road in Laramie.) I may be mistaken, but I've read that the Kiosks scan your fingerprints. The fly in the ointment is that I'm old with very thin skin. Even with a lot of preparation, police departments have always had trouble getting fingerprints that the ATF accepted. A couple I had to have redone.

Does the scanning improve on the fingerprints, or should I find a PD that still does ink prints? The sheriff's office here does all the fingerprinting for itself and for the PD next door using a small scanner. Several of my prints couldn't be read, but they went ahead and accepted them for my CCW.

Thank you, Richard
The scanners are pretty good. Sometimes a quick wipe with a “baby wipe” or a little squirt of hand sanitizer will do the trick before layin the meats hooks on the screen.
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