Interesting. It looks like it isnt integral like the manners is. I guess it has threaded inserts (nutsert?) bedded into the stock that the chassis screws into? And then the action screws to the chassis portion. Seems like a possible weakness not present in manners molded in version. I also noticed that its more than I paid for my similarly equipped manners mini... $1120
It supports tikka though so thats a big advantage over the manners mini right there. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"401","width":"712","src":"https:\/\/\/media\/d7a353_5c48c174280f4a3e929be3cfcadba0af~mv2.png\/v1\/fill\/w_1379,h_777,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01\/d7a353_5c48c174280f4a3e929be3cfcadba0af~mv2.png"}[/IMG2]