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Korean Seals take care of business


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
Full Member
  • Jul 27, 2007
    Nice work, guys.

    SEOUL (AFP) – South Korean navy commandos on Friday stormed a ship hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, rescuing all the 21 crew and killing eight pirates, military officials said.

    The SEAL special forces boarded the South Korean ship before dawn, freeing all the hostages and killing the pirates in cabin-to-cabin battles, they said. Five other pirates were captured.

    "This operation demonstrated our government's strong will that we won't tolerate illegal activities by pirates any more," Lieutenant-General Lee Sung-Ho of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a news briefing.

    The South Korean skipper of the chemical freighter suffered a gunshot wound to his stomach during the raid but his condition is not life-threatening, the military said. No commandos were hurt.

    The rescue about 1,300 kilometres (800 miles) off northeast Somalia was seen as a major morale boost for the South's military. It has faced strong domestic criticism for a perceived weak response to North Korea's shelling of a border island last November.

    President Lee Myung-Bak, who authorised the operation, said the military carried out the raid perfectly under difficult circumstances.

    "We will not tolerate any activities that threaten the safety and lives of our people," he said.

    The pirates seized the 11,500-ton ship and 21 crew members -- eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 from Myanmar -- on January 15 in the Arabian Sea when it was en route to Sri Lanka from the United Arab Emirates.

    Seoul ordered a destroyer on patrol in the Gulf of Aden to give chase and President Lee ordered "all possible measures" to save the crew.

    General Lee said the commandos moved in after receiving information that the "mother ship" for the pirates was leaving a Somali port.

    "Since we thought we could be in an extremely difficult situation if the pirates joined forces, we chose today to carry out the operation."

    Lee praised the freighter's 57-year-old skipper Suk Hae-Kyun for his prudence. "Pirates sought to take the vessel to the Somalian coast fast but the skipper helped us earn time by manoeuvring the vessel in a serpentine manner."

    To distract the pirates' attention, the destroyer fired warning shots and manoeuvred close to the hijacked vessel. A Lynx helicopter provided covering fire as the commandos stormed the ship.

    The Koreans were assisted by a US carrier which also provided a helicopter to transfer the wounded Korean skipper.

    "It was breathtaking news," said Suk Hyun-Wook, son of the 58-year-old skipper, describing his response to reports of the raid.

    Kim Doo-Chan, 61, was also among the rescued crew. "I feel so relieved," his 28-year-old son Dong-Min told Yonhap news agency. "I'm ecstatic."

    The military said Friday's rescue followed a brief gunbattle Tuesday, when the destroyer encountered pirates who had apparently left the South Korean freighter to try to seize a nearby Mongolian vessel.

    The South Korean commandos aboard a speedboat and a Lynx helicopter were dispatched to rescue the Mongolian ship.

    Tuesday's firefight left several pirates missing and believed killed, although their bodies have not been found, a JCS spokesmen said. Three commandos were slightly hurt.

    Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan broke the news at a New Year's reception Friday for the heads of foreign diplomatic missions in Seoul, bringing applause and cheers from the ambassadors, a foreign ministry official said.

    The captured five pirates could be brought to South Korea or third countries for punishment, he said.

    The hijacking came two months after a supertanker belonging to the same company, Samho Shipping, was released after being held for seven months.

    The 300,000-tonne Samho Dream and its 24 crew were freed only after the pirates were paid a ransom reported as a record $9 million.

    Piracy has surged off lawless Somalia in recent years, and international warships patrol the area in a bid to clamp down on the problem. Pirates are currently holding 29 vessels and about 700 hostages.

    In 2008 the French military became the first to respond militarily to piracy in the region, when marines raided the yacht Carre d'As and freed two hostages being held by seven Somali pirates. One pirate was killed and the other six captured.

    In one of the most controversial rescues, Russian marines freed 23 crew barricaded on board a Russian tanker, the Moscow University. The pirates were later found dead and adrift in a small boat.
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    The South Korean military are a bit of a humourless and somewhat brutal lot at times. So, taking that into account:

    I give them a 10, minus 1 point for a lack of style and minus 1/2 a point for not realising they were being hard arses and therefore not consciously setting an example to other more pussy-whipped countries. Minus 1 point for the helo getting most of the kills, rather than up close and personal with the teppenyaki knives. Add 1 point for lack of national browbeating and leftie sobbing back home. Add 1/2 point for describing major gunshot wounds on their guys as 'minor scratches' Final score: 9. Definitely up there...
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    I saw a good show on Discovery Theatre the other day. It was an episode of "Great Ships", where they documented an anti-pirate operation aboard a Dutch vessel. From what they showed, it is up to the country of origin of the vessel that has been attacked as to whether or not to pursue prosecution of any captured pirates. If they respond to an Italian freighter being hijacked, after all the shots are fired, they have to consult the Italian government to see if they are to hold the pirates or put them back in their boats and wave bye bye. The ship ended up responding to a pirate attack on a Dutch vessel and after the dust settled, their government decided it was best to give the pirate drinking water and enough fuel to make it back to Somali.

    I had expected any vessel that was sent to that region to patrol for pirates would have a little harsher response to the pirates.

    Good for South Korea following through with the right amount of force that these pirates deserve.
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lindy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'd give them a 9 out of 10. The deduction is for taking prisoners.

    Fair enough. On revision, after consultation with other judges, I call a score of 8. Still tracking ok.
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    What..wait..for instant replay purposes? Is someone disputing the current score?

    8 pirates dead. 8 out of 10 from the judges - dovetails all very nicely is you ask me. LOL
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    I'd have to give the ROK a 9.5 - the extra .5 for sheer competitiveness: In Judo, in my weight class, they were the guys I was most scared to draw. And in the heavier weight classes they were downright brutal.
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    Korean SEALs? real ninjas huh
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: beenjammin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Korean SEALs? real ninjas huh
    </div></div>Nothing stealthy about them. Quite in-your-face when compared with other teams from that part of the world.
    Re: Korean Seals take care of business

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Apparently the Russians only take prisoners when there's room on the boat...and there's never room on the boat.

    That's a myth, it's a myth that they blew the boat up with pirates onboard too.

    In reality, Russia, like all other nations, had to let them go for lack of politicial will in prosecuting them by the UN pussies.