KRG Enclosed Forend - ARCA rail options?


Full Member
Feb 26, 2009
West Palm Beach, FL
This is designed as a "What's Out there" and a "What Features" type of thread and NOT a "Mine is better than yours" thread.

Is there any reason to get a different ARCA rail for the KRG Enclosed forend other than the one made by KRG?



Before I buy I want to make sure that there aren't any rails out there that I should consider in lieu of the KRG.

Thanks for the input!
For what its worth I have been happy with the KRG XL rail on the enclosed forend thus far. Lockup is tighter than other rails on other chassis' I have used with the RRS adapter.

Thays the only one I have
I haven’t used the rail on the enclosed forend but I don’t really care for their standard rail on the Bravo. My only other experience is with Area 419 rails and they seem much more rigid.
I haven’t used the rail on the enclosed forend but I don’t really care for their standard rail on the Bravo. My only other experience is with Area 419 rails and they seem much more rigid.
The rail is as rigid as the forend. You can bolt it on in like 1 inch increments
The only reason I would get a different rail is for the rigidity. I found the KRG rails to be thin and flexible. Once the rail is fully bolted to the chassis it is strong enough and the flex goes away but something like the 419 could have some advantages. You could cantilever the 419 off the front of the rifle for more length and it will have the stability. From personal experience I know the KRG rail cannot be cantilevered.

The reason I would not get a different rail is the KRG has designed thier rails to bolt to thier chassis frame. The forend of most KRG chassis have a plastic hand guard that has M-LOC in the bottom of it. This handgaurd is bolted to the chassis. KRG has made it so the Arca rail can be attached to the M-LOC on the the handgaurd, then the handgaurd is attached to the rifle and the bolts holding the handgaurd to the rifle also go through the Arca rail and hold the arca rail too. This attaches the arca rail directly to the aluminum chassis. If you went to a different brand of rail you might only get to use the M-LOC attachments to the plastic handgaurd.

The difference will be the load path. Lets look at the the bipod loading.
With KRG rail - the bipod load goes from the bipod to the Arca Rail to the chassis (arca is bolted to the chassis through the handgaurd).
With other rail - The bipod load goes from the bipod to the arc rail to the plastic handgaurd (M-LOC) then to the Chassis.

Just my 2c.
The only reason I would get a different rail is for the rigidity. I found the KRG rails to be thin and flexible. Once the rail is fully bolted to the chassis it is strong enough and the flex goes away but something like the 419 could have some advantages. You could cantilever the 419 off the front of the rifle for more length and it will have the stability. From personal experience I know the KRG rail cannot be cantilevered.

The reason I would not get a different rail is the KRG has designed thier rails to bolt to thier chassis frame. The forend of most KRG chassis have a plastic hand guard that has M-LOC in the bottom of it. This handgaurd is bolted to the chassis. KRG has made it so the Arca rail can be attached to the M-LOC on the the handgaurd, then the handgaurd is attached to the rifle and the bolts holding the handgaurd to the rifle also go through the Arca rail and hold the arca rail too. This attaches the arca rail directly to the aluminum chassis. If you went to a different brand of rail you might only get to use the M-LOC attachments to the plastic handgaurd.

The difference will be the load path. Lets look at the the bipod loading.
With KRG rail - the bipod load goes from the bipod to the Arca Rail to the chassis (arca is bolted to the chassis through the handgaurd).
With other rail - The bipod load goes from the bipod to the arc rail to the plastic handgaurd (M-LOC) then to the Chassis.

Just my 2c.

I'm seriously contemplating the 419 14" integrated stop rail.

I printed out the Diagram PDF and am going to see where it would mount to the rail.
So I bought a 419 14" rail with the integrated stop.

Here are my thoughts afterwards.

It's VERY difficult to get the Rail attached to the forend, as the forend attachment points are offset center (Left and right) and the 419 rail is all Centerline Attachments.

How I ended up getting it attached.

1. The rearmost screw "T-nut" style mount I pre-attached with just a little loose to allow the rail to swivel.
2. Mounted the Forend to the KRG Chassis.
3. Swiveled the rail into position.
4. Mounted the two forward T-nut style screws into the rail and tightened all three down.

Once it's in place, it worked great.

But damn, was it a little tough to get together the first time.

I received it on Friday and took it to the range Saturday morning, so I didn't have time for more "Long-term" soultions.

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