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kthomas' CPS Give Away!


Full Member
Jun 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Merry Christmas everyone!

This year, I was really fortunate to receive a Primal Rights CPS from @orkan, and as part of the deal, I'm assigned with giving a CPS away this year! I wasn't in a position to afford a CPS, having to make a career change in order to better serve my family.

The CPS has quickly become one of my favorite reloading tools, I do not miss my K&M hand primer for a minute. Before the CPS, I dreaded priming sessions, where I would have to hand prime hundreds of rounds. The CPS has made priming an enjoyable part of the reloading process, it's a very high quality piece of equipment, though not always within the budget of every reloader. With this thread, I hope to spread the joy of the Primal Rights CPS to another reloader and shooter, that would really value this gear but can't afford it.

Here is how this give away is going to work:

1. Post in this thread what you shoot and what you reload for. What shooting means to you (and maybe even your family), and what winning this CPS would mean for you.
2. I want to give this CPS to someone who can't necessarily afford it in their current situation. There is no way that I can vet whether you can easily afford a CPS or not, I'll just expect those participating to use the honor system ;). Also, please don't participate if you already have a CPS - we get it, it's nice gear! But that's not in the spirit of this give away.
3. Bonus points if you add a picture that encapsulates what shooting and/or reloading means to you, even more bonus points if the pictures are Christmas themed/related! Be creative and have fun! Original pictures only.
4. I will decide on Christmas day who will receive a CPS from Primal Rights, so posts up to midnight on the 24th will be accepted for consideration.

Also, for those that can, don't forget to contribute to Santa's CPS Fund, to keep @orkan's Christmas CPS give aways going in the future! (http://www.primalrights.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=142)

Merry Christmas!
9mm, 40 s&w, 45 acp, 223, 260(Santa’s favorite), 7SAUM and 338 edge.
I reload all.
My primary hobby now is LR and ELR because fishing ain’t what it used to be here.
I’m a poor so could never swing a CPS and my family (cat) would rejoice!
Pic of me fixing targets
I shoot a couple different cartridges. 22GT and 6BRA and reload for them exclusively. Shooting for me is a way to meet new folks that share the same interests as me and gives me something to do on my days off from work. Be it going to the range just to blast steel or shoot a local match. Every now and again I can cox my fiancé out to shoot with me which is always a good time as she always manages to out shoot me lol

Winning a CPS would be nice as we just bought our first home in this insane housing market. Sold my old pickup to my father so he could get out of a truck payment and I could get some glass since I had sold my previous optic and rimfire to help close on our house and get new carpet. Just doing what is necessary to build a family.

I appreciate what you and @orkan are doing for Christmas. God bless you all and your families!

My fiancé shooting from this past summer prior to our home purchase.
@kthomas and @orkan

This is the kind of thing that just puts a smile on my face.
Doing things for other people because you can, not because you have to.

To whoever receives the CPS, please find in in your heart to pay it forward.
It doesn't have to be anything expensive, just make it truly from your heart. Trust me, it will be appreciated.
Kthomas Thank you for such a kind gesture. Coming from a family that was not into the shooting sports I was blessed to have a mother that was understanding to my interest and supported it by getting me into 4h shooting sports program,and continued supporting me through my high school small bore seasons. I loved it unfortunately she couldn’t afford the rather expensive target rifle so my shooting had to take a break till I was in my late 20’s and could afford my own equipment. That rekindled the passion and love for shooting again. I started with pistols and carbines as it was different then what I was used to but got back into the precision side of shooting and got my self a couple bolt action rifles center and rim fire. I then became sucked into the world of clay shooting. I sucked at it but at the same time loved the challenge and eventually with a lot of time and practice won a few state championships. My now wife also started to get involved and interested into shooting also which is awesome. I got her shooting 22lr and skeet. At this time shooting had turned from a some what individual sport for my self to family time. We had our first daughter a year and a half ago and with the whole covid bull shit my wife also lost her business because of the shut down. We still tried to make it a point to get to the range when we could just to say hi to and hang out with our friends that we have made but of course every one just wanted to see baby. Although I have many calibers to load for we just focus on shooting 22lr to keep up with trigger time and I been hand loading for my 6.5creed and now starting to load .223 for “some” cost savings as we just had our second daughter this October. I hope and can’t wait to be able to take my daughters to the range one day. I know and live by you get what you pay for and know good equipment cost money and really wanted to try the cps so I don’t have to single hand prime on my rock chucker anymore. But at the moment i will put my family first and maybe one day get to own a cps if not from you. Thank you again for giving someone an opportunity.
Merry Christmas from ours to yours


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I shoot and reload 9, 38 special, 357, 44 special and mag, 45 ACP, and 460 Rowland.
556 (AR and Bolt) 6.5 Man Bun, .308, and 30-06.

Im not sure I can say I deserve a CPS.
Im a good guy and do some good in the world from time to time.

Shooting to me is being grateful for my right to do so and for living in a country where, while Im not thrilled with things, I still get to exercise that right every day.

It is important part of life as I teach my 9 yr old daughter about those important reasons, and about recoil management and trigger control, how to do double taps with a handgun or carbine, mag changes, and lying on the floor dry firing a precision rifle.
I teach and bring a lot of new folks to the world of shooting.

Another one of the great things is the friends I have made, the bonds forged, and the awesome stuff that happens in the shooting community.
Especially here on the Hide.
A set up like this being given away is a darn good example. (I know this is one of many Orkan has given out this year).

Steel painted in the distance, just waiting for 0700 and sending rounds down range.

My stinker showing her grandad how its done over Thanksgiving this year.
Firearms and shooting sports are a primary focus in our family. As a young child, I developed an interest in rifles. My family fostered that interest but ensured that my number one focus was safety. As a father, I am now supporting my son's hobby. We frequently have discussions about how firearms secured freedom from the British and how they continue to ensure freedom from tyranny.

I have a great group of friends, and the attached video demonstrates their support of my son. In this video, Sully (13) engages a series of TYL targets at 1012 yards. He is using a hand-me-down barrel and brass from a good friend. And projectiles purchased from another. And, he's shooting KRG Bravo purchased second hand. He's a big fan of his rifle. As you can see, he cleans the stage with 11 shots total. It means the world to see this young man succeed. Any yes, I am fussing at him to follow through on the trigger press. I'm a dad, there for I do.

We reload the following:

6GT X2
223 X3
6.5 CM
308 Win.

The old RCBS hand primer is not as consistent as we'd like. A CPS would be greatly appreciated, and I'd pass the priming tools I do have along to others in need of them.

IMG_0699 by Changed, on Flickr

Merry Christmas Everyone!
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Most of my shooting and reloading is for my 223, 6.8spc and my daughters 6.5 grendel, for hunting. Hoping her interest in this will continue to grow, this being the first actual year I've been able to get her out and spend some time doing it, which has been tough as anyone with a teenager/daughter knows can be tough when hanging out with dad isn't the cool thing to do.

Perfect timing on a giveaway since I'm currently down with a shoulder injury at work, would love to have one and been eyeing one since they came out would be great to win. Congrats to who ever wins, lots more out there way more deserving than I am but figured I would give it a shot.
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Yeah, that's my fear. 😉

Between replacing two vehicles (paid cash) at the end of October, the house A/C system and buying two rifles, I'm tapped out.

Maybe I'll get it for a Valentine's present. 🤣
Yeah, that's my fear. 😉

Between replacing two vehicles (paid cash) at the end of October, the house A/C system and buying two rifles, I'm tapped out.

Maybe I'll get it for a Valentine's present. 🤣

Now you see Mike you should've taken your own advice that you gave the guy in Pinellas that wanted to ride a scooter to JTAC to save on car insurance. Who needs A/C in December? :ROFLMAO: I feel your pain but after I broke the third pot metal handle on one of those Lee things it was time to soar with the priming eagles.
I've been running three portables since August waiting on these damn parts.

Thankfully they've kept the temps reasonable or even down right cold.

They sure don't need to run with today's weather but I'm too lazy to walk over and shut them off. 😂😂

I'll call the installer after Christmas and schedule him.
It'll probably be February before he can do anything.

Speaking of broken Lee pot metal.
This was the last straw...


It lasted 5 months.
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.22LR (don't need it for that tho!)

The kids are just getting to shooting age and that means more reloading for dad. Most of my shooting is hunting related filling freezers, but I also shoot 45-70 in BPCR matches. It's a very slow paced match setting and perfect for getting kids involved.


I'm also a machinist by trade and really appreciate high tech tools like the CPS.
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9mm, 40 s&w, 45 acp, 223, 260(Santa’s favorite), 7SAUM and 338 edge.
I reload all.
My primary hobby now is LR and ELR because fishing ain’t what it used to be here.
I’m a poor so could never swing a CPS and my family (cat) would rejoice!
Pic of me fixing targets
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I’ll enter so I can give it to steel head….he’s helped me a lot the past couple years and showed me all his spots when I got transferred to OR. good dude and much deserving. Here he is with his tactical overalls
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Guess I'll throw my name in the hat.

Aside from a handful of pistols, a bunch of ARs, and other stuff I only have 2 bolt guns. A Rem700 6.5CM and a 300 PRC Nucleus in a Bravo.
I have dies for every caliber but only really spend time loading for the 6.5CM and 300PRC. I stocked up on pistol and AR ammo.

To me shooting is about lots of things. The heritage and love of country like setting off fireworks on fourth of July. The smell of burnt gun powder is still nostalgic. Tinkering with mechanical ingenuity of different firearm systems. The science behind reloading and physics of creating a controlled explosion to launch a projectile thousands of feet into a target. Exploring the many rabbit holes of refining the reloading process and testing it. The mental and physical challenges of shooting long distances accurately. Just being outdoors shooting is kind of theraputic. Its also good bonding time with my boys as I pass on the tradition and teach them to shoot.
What having a CPS would mean to me is first of all not having a sore hand from this damn frankford squeeze grip primer. Second I get another rabbit hole to explore after watching a certain video. Three would be adding what would no doubt be the most expensive piece of reloading equipment on my bench. And one that would otherwise be out of the question. Especially after moving the family to another state this year and a sacrificial 50% pay cut. Now everything essentailly cost double.

I'll look for pics.


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Most of my shooting and reloading is for my 223, 6.8spc and my daughters 6.5 grendel, for hunting. Hoping her interest in this will continue to grow, this being the first actual year I've been able to get her out and spend some time doing it, which has been tough as anyone with a teenager/daughter knows can be tough when hanging out with dad isn't the cool thing to do.

Perfect timing on a giveaway since I'm currently down with a shoulder injury at work, would love to have one and been eyeing one since they came out would be great to win. Congrats to who ever wins, lots more out there way more deserving than I am but figured I would give it a shot.View attachment 7766235
I’m gonna say this guy deserves it. He can’t even afford to buy jeans for his daughter that doesn’t have a bunch of holes in it.
The last couple of years I’ve been strictly shooting and loading 6.5 creed and 6bra. To me, shooting is a stress reliever, but it’s also a teaching moment for my son. It’s a great way for us to bond and get him out of the house and off the video games. It’s so important for us as parents to teach and pass along our love and passion for the 2A and not to take for granted our rights. Shooting long range has also given me the pleasure of meeting the best and most generous people I’ve ever met. Although I suck at it, the trash talking and general camaraderie is something I look forward to.

I would love to have a CPS one day, but it’s just not in the cards anytime soon. I used to use a hand primer, but my hands and fingers couldn’t take the beating anymore. Now I’m using a RCBS bench prime, but to say there’s no consistency is an understatement. If I were to win, I’d definitely pay it forward and give away my hand and bench primer (is that good or bad).
I'm truly blessed and had a great 2021 so just count me in as a supporter. It may not always be that way but this year I hope the prize goes to a good home, and the winner enjoys the act of generosity.

I mostly load 223 and 6X47L, and a whole lot of 9mm 😎
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Thanks for a great opportunity!

Currently shoot/reload for:
- 223 Rem
- 22-250 AI
- 22 Creed
- 6 Creed
- 6.5 Sherman
- 338 RUM

I’m a resident physician with 18 months to go (just matched to fellowship!) and shooting has been my escape over the past 8 years. My wife and kids have definitely been supportive of my hobby - my 7 year old has enjoyed shooting some rimfire and 223 recently and it’s been fun to see his excitement. A resident salary with two kids has been a little limiting, so a CPS would be incredible! It would free up the little spare time I have and allow my son and I to spend more time shooting. Plus he’s enjoying reloading as well.

Here’s my son doing some dry firing practice in the basement:
Fixing targets???

Looks like falling down a cliff!

9mm, 40 s&w, 45 acp, 223, 260(Santa’s favorite), 7SAUM and 338 edge.
I reload all.
My primary hobby now is LR and ELR because fishing ain’t what it used to be here.
I’m a poor so could never swing a CPS and my family (cat) would rejoice!
Pic of me fixing targets
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Really great of you guys to offer this. I may not be a “Certified Poor™️“ but I shoot tikkas so that counts for something right?

Anyways, I figured I would throw my hat in the ring as well since I too am tired of having to use my rockchucker to prime SRP brass since my handheld one doesn't seem to like to work well with the small primer insert.

I shoot:

7mm rm
6.5 creed
.223 ai

Don’t reload the 22lr but reload for the rest and have a 6br barrel coming soon.

As with most guys on here, to me shooting/reloading is an escape from the everyday. I have a job I enjoy but work 6-7 days a week and am on call 24/7 as well which really limits my time to go do anything outside of work. Fortunately my workplace is about 5 minutes from one of the nicer ranges in the area so shooting is the one outlet that I have been able to enjoy and focus on. I am in my early 20’s so no family of my own yet but but shooting/hunting has always been something I have done with my dad and how we spend a lot of our time together. He is just getting into longer range shooting so it has been a ton of fun for the two of us to learn the ins and outs of it together as I only started shooting long range two years ago and still have a lot to learn.

Winning the CPS would be huge for me right now. I just recently purchased a home and my girlfriend is finishing up her doctorate so things are definitely a bit tight on one income. Shooting budget for the next year and a half is essentially gone. It would also speed up the priming process significantly and keep my from having to hand feed each primer into the rockchucker and inevitably drop and loose a few primers each time. I would also be more than happy to donate to the next cps Christmas giveaway as well as pass on my handheld primer.

Plenty of deserving people on here all worthy of winning the CPS, thanks again for the generosity.

Me shooting my t1x in an NRL22 match with the scope I stole off of my centerfire.

My switch barrel tikka on the mantle for the holidays.
LuLu is a lot prettier than me and is willing to do a LOT more dirty deeds and take on multiple customers at once.
I’ll give it to him, he can really shake his ass and hustle!
He even out earns the girls!!!!
I'm young and willing to do dirty deeds for way too little money. Gotta put food on the table.
I'll put in an official entry later. But this is a picture of me elbow deep in a pump pulling out a towel size hair ball.
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I shoot 3 calibers the most, 223. 224 valkyrie and 6.5 creedmoor.

At this point my reloading takes away from family time more than it creates, so in what ever ways I can I either choose tools that speed up my reloading or I can include my kids. If its unnecessary I generally skip it. With that said I find myself cleaning brass just to have my kids sort through the media with me. My daughter is great at doing simple tasks and she loves it as much as I do!


I've got 3 children, the CPS would mean more time spent with them. From the sounds of it, in the next couple years my daughter could even be priming brass! At this point I have a small side gig that brings in $100/month. Of course, that's my gun budget. So it's either ammo or 6 months of saving for a CPS.

Thanks for putting this on!

Edit to add:


we got her this nerf gun last year for Christmas. My wife sent this photo to me while I was at work.
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As noted that is very generous of you @kthomas thanks for the opportunity and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Currently I reload for 6.5x47, 6CM, 6.5 GAP 4S, 7 Sherman Short, 308, 223, 6.5 grendel, etc. etc. Pretty much every rifle my family and I own.

I think what I've enjoyed most about shooting is teaching. I dove into this hobby in 2009 headfirst through forums and anyone local who shared the same interest. Though obviously the hide has been the centerfold of my learning experience. Four years ago on my dad's 60th I surprised him with a custom 6.5 SAUM from SAC through a year of saving while I was a pharmacy tech and a very good friend who gave me a sweet deal on a gunsmithing certificate for SAC. So to sum up the reason for that build, is his favorite rifle was stolen from him back in the day. It was a remington 700 7mm mag. My father is tight to say the least, I knew he'd never spend the money. So seeing him take the longest kill of his career on a doe at 595yds and how tickled he was with that rifle kind of sums it up.

If there is one thing I’ve tried to consolidate loading for the entire family plus myself it’s time. I’m always looking for ways to make the process more efficient and consistent that way i have more time on the gun at the range or in the woods. I’ve yet to upgrade scales yet, still rocking the ole charge master makes me wonder if more consistent primer seating depth would lower my SD/ES.

Some pics of the fam and the GF since that was her first deer.



I'll throw my name in the hat. My oldest, 18yo, took up shooting last year. So I've been working with him to help develop the skills to reload on his own. He has gone start to finish on developing a load for his and his grandfathers rifles. I've been slowly adding equipment to help our precision. It's been a great year as I've been able to get my son and father in law out in the field a lot this year. I've also got my FIL into long range using a reticle and dialing. It's funny how his hunting stories of shooting deer dead at 850yds seemed to get quieter and quieter as he was able to connect on our 8" plates constantly out to 600yds or so with his 270win.

We mostly load for 223, 243, 6.5cm, 270win, 28Nosler, 300wsm, 300NM, 338lapua. However I load probably 20 different cartridges. I won't reload for anyone, but there are several people who come over to use my equipment.

A cps would help more than just me, loading for these two chumps(hunting buddies) has become a chore and hastened my want for a better, easier system.

Loading 223, 6.5cm and 3006

I load enough for myself, and with the shortage this year have been loading for a couple other hunting buddies. A cps is on my list, saving a few bucks at a time. Hoping to get one or both of my buddies to shoot a match with me next year along with my wife, a cps would be a valuable tool.


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