So I got excited when I heard about the CIVL because I like the look of the peq-15 but I haven't heard anything about them. Does anyone know anything? I'm guessing at this point the whole thing was scrapped and we won't see anything like the peq-15 for a while if ever. That is, for us lowly civilians. I get tired of crap being restricted when it's pointless to restrict it. If I wanted to make someone go blind I wouldn't use an ir laser. And no I won't spend 5 grand to buy it off some cop that has one or some guy that stole it from the Army (both of which I've heard from guys on another unnamed ( forum.). Why doesn't TNVC just make their own? I can think of a dozen people who would pre pay for it. They don't have to be 5k they're 500-700 dollar lasers.
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