Labradar settings for 22LR


Full Member
Feb 28, 2013
San Jose, CA
What settings are optimum for checking the speed of 22LR? I was trying to check some 22LR today and I just could not get it to work. It appeared that the unit was triggering, but it just couldn’t get a speed reading.
I used the recoil trigger, did not get a speed reading. As I said, the unit appeared to be triggering, it just would not read the velocity.
Aim the LabRadar as best you can at your target.
Ensure that Trigger source menu item is "Trigger"
Set the velocity range menu item to Handgun for .22 LR
If possible position the unit within 6" or less off the side of the barrel and select 6" in the Projectile offset menu.

Once you get it to read if you are getting false positives from running the bolt you can adjust the Trigger Level to a higher value and/or move the recoil trigger further away from the action (like on the scope bell or bipod).
Shooting my 22LR rifle using the Lab Radar, I do the following and never miss a shot.
1. Set the Lab Radar 3-5 inches in front of the Muzzle and no further than 6" to the side.
2. Don't Aim the Lab Radar Parallel to the rifle. Aim the Lab Radar in an angel that will intersect the Rifle Muzzle (I usually aim the Lab Radar One lane over from the Target I am shooting at).
3. I set the Radar to doppler vice trigger and use pistol vice rifle.

Good luck - hope it works for you.