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Lapua brass crimp at shoulder


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Jun 16, 2007
    Anacortes WA
    Been using cheaper brass for decades but bought some new Lapua for my 300WM & when sizing with a Redding -S die bumping .002 it is putting a crimp right at the neck/shoulder. I can feel it when seating & I can measure it inside right at the base of the neck. This is causing runout & inconsistent neck tension. My Win & PPU brass don't do this.
    Anyone know what is causing this?
    I'm not using the same bushing. .331 for the PPU & .337 for the Lapua.
    It does this without any bushing in it too.
    Always in the same place just at the neck/shoulder junction..002" smaller there than the bushing sized area.
    Is your bushing getting the neck area sized down small enough? Moving up .006 in bushing size seems like a bunch. That would indicate that your Lapua brass is .003 thicker than the PPU brass.

    Are you using a button or mandrel to finish size the neck? If you are it would seem like it should be pushing the brass back out in the neck/shoulder area.