Thanks for input!
The factory ammo is excellent; that's a proven fact (mostly military use) and a while ago, I was working on a load trying to come close, or even improve some, the factory ammo. I reloaded the 250 LB with enough N570 to reach around 3000 fps and the results, on short distance (200 yards), were impressive. At the time, I got pulled into other projects and never finish testing this load at real distances (1500+).
Was curious to know if anyone pushed the envelope with reloads using the 250 LB (what powder/load/components?) and how far they were able to accurately hit their target.
Got a great go-to load for my 338 (H1000/300 Berger/2780fps) but I remember being impressed by the results of the 250 LB/N570/3000fps. If you are familiar with this, or know someone who is, I would greatly appreciate any intel on their results, or if they could contact me via SH. If not, no sweat, I will carry on with my own tests in any case but always more interesting to compare your results with the ones of other shooters.