I was recently contacted by a member of a SWAT team that is looking for a class on patrolling in a woodland environment. Now being a Marine this sounds very simple and basic, but most of the things we teach are geared towards military/DOD/contractor/agency support. We have taught LE and SORT/SWAT teams in manners of stalking,tracking,patrolling to objectives, CQB/sniping and shooting instruction ect. However, just patrolling ? He gave me a few ideas of what they are looking for and I know I have many other questions to ask but here are a few examples... A suspect darts into the woods and the dogs wont go in and they have to go after him... a suspect engages them in the woods.. They have a suspect barricaded or dug in.. Now I know what <span style="font-style: italic">I</span> would do, but I am also smart enough to know that what a <span style="font-style: italic">Marine</span> would do vs what <span style="font-style: italic">LE</span> can do is a bit different, everything is pretty much vague on their part and it seems to me like it sounds like they have no idea what they want or need, and they want the max in as little as a few days to include nights. Now if I am to give them what <span style="font-style: italic">we</span> would deem necessary to accomplish this it would involve land nav day/night, tracking, formations, gear, IA drills,danger areas
ect ect ect... But how would I condense that into just a few days ? I know I have plenty of other questions to ask but I just wondered if anyone had any run accross this before ? We have tried in the past to avoid teaching "tactics" to LE as what we would do may not be available to them in their ROE. And most of the military runs off of their own unit SOPs. With LE we tend to say "this is a <span style="font-style: italic">way</span> to do it that <span style="font-style: italic">works</span>, now you have to figure out what works for <span style="font-style: italic">you</span>" Im not looking for just answers to the above requirements asked of us, more of an idea of what they would be looking for in a class or if anyone has an outline to that effect. We want to give them what they need, trying to stay in the guidlines of the time they asked.. without overwhelming them with to much, if that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
ect ect ect... But how would I condense that into just a few days ? I know I have plenty of other questions to ask but I just wondered if anyone had any run accross this before ? We have tried in the past to avoid teaching "tactics" to LE as what we would do may not be available to them in their ROE. And most of the military runs off of their own unit SOPs. With LE we tend to say "this is a <span style="font-style: italic">way</span> to do it that <span style="font-style: italic">works</span>, now you have to figure out what works for <span style="font-style: italic">you</span>" Im not looking for just answers to the above requirements asked of us, more of an idea of what they would be looking for in a class or if anyone has an outline to that effect. We want to give them what they need, trying to stay in the guidlines of the time they asked.. without overwhelming them with to much, if that makes sense. Thanks in advance.