Going to be tricky without knowledge of your particular arrangement and family locations, which I wouldn’t advocate sharing online. I have made a conscious effort to keep my family on one sideof the house and all the normally stolen garbage (TVs, computers, old I pad, small amount of visible cash) on the other with a single locked door (choke point) between. Take all the TVs you want and I don’t care, attempt to open my door and you have stated your intent in the middle of a known safe shooting lane.
Cameras are good, the popular thing now is to have them tied to an app on your phone, but I don’t want to fumble with an app at 2am when I heard a noise and my phone is doing an update, i want a clear picture of how many of what are where and what they have with them, immediately. Cameras are life support systems in a break in and it needs to stand alone or the phone app should be a secondary function to a portable monitor. Both the cameras and the monitor need to have a battery power supply that functions in the event the power is out. Would suggest a non recording model detached from WiFi for inside the house.
on an unrelated and possibly obnoxious side note, take a look at your homes fire safety setup too. fires are more likely than break ins and most people don’t pay any attention to it; smoke detectors in living spaces, appropriately sized and correct type of fire extinguishers in the kitchen, laundry room, near breaker box, And garage will go along way to giving you a chance out. If you live on the top floor, have a way down through a window that doesn’t involve an uncontrolled fall. Local fire department is usually very happy to assess and make suggestions.