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LeBron James

Professional "athletes" get paid big bucks to play a kid's game. Why should I care what they think? Actors and actresses get paid to pretend. Once again, why should I care what they think? Don't get me wrong, wouldn't mind having some of their money but that's it. I'd much rather be the brilliant and good looking guy that I am.😎
As if choking to death on this "Diversity" bullshit isn't enough. Now these Pieces of Shit, as in ALL "Pro Athletes" seem to think we care one fucking iota what they actually think about ANYTHING. Are you fucking kidding me? Mother Fucker, all I want your ass to do is run, jump, throw the fucking ball and catch the fucking ball. But no, their fucking ego's and sense of self worth will not allow them to do that. You wanna jump up on the Egg Crate and preach your shit to the choir? Fine, but not on the clock cuz you're on our dime and I'm paying for the entertainment and the entertainment only.

I gave all this shit up so long ago I can't even remember. The writing, or spray paining, was on the wall a long time ago. Fuck'm all. And may Karma come call'n on these Cocksuckers soonest. "Fade in Kobe "Rapist" Bryant" !
How do you REALLY feel? I think you're holding back.

Fuck'm. Tired of this shit. Time for common sense to prevail over this shit. If these POS don't like it here, fucking LEAVE. Seriously. NOBODY is keeping ANYONE here. You have the right to go assimilate elsewhere in whatever fucked up Country holds and practices beliefs in line with yours. So have at it. But no. Just like that POS Omar who thinks fucking her Brother to the point of marrying him is ok, she comes here to spread her shit hole ideation upon US. I'm so not good with that. Don't make your shit hole my shit hole. Period. We're a lost fucking cause at this pace. Spiraling down the sewer pipe like sands through an hourglass. These were'n't supposed to be the Days of our Lives! :mad:
80% tax on pro athletes and teams..They'll shut fuck up.

This is an awesome idea! How do we get a movement going that would make pro athletes look foolish if they opposed it?

80% tax on all pro athletes (maybe include hollywood too), all tax money specifically taken from athletes and hollywood will go directly to improve the quality of life in poverty stricken areas of the United States. They should set the example of taking action
The only 'professional sports' that I am interested in and devoted to has sponsors with names like Brownells, Larue, Hornady, Hodgdon's, TNVC, etc... Always been like that...
That's about where I'm at, at this point in my life. I'm so really tired of all this stupid shit. Then when I do happen to turn the F'n tv on, I've got to listen to some F'n whinny bitch (male or female, doesn't matter), make claims how they've been "wronged" or F'n see cities burning. Sometimes, you understand how certain people "go over the edge". Man, I think we all need to go back to beating our kids again. F'n people with their "participation trophy's". Wait till the Chicoms own their pro sports asses, and they're made to perform for a F'n bowl of F'n RICE! Then they will understand, but, it will be to late by then. Mac
Fuck'm. Tired of this shit. Time for common sense to prevail over this shit. If these POS don't like it here, fucking LEAVE. Seriously. NOBODY is keeping ANYONE here. You have the right to go assimilate elsewhere in whatever fucked up Country holds and practices beliefs in line with yours. So have at it. But no. Just like that POS Omar who thinks fucking her Brother to the point of marrying him is ok, she comes here to spread her shit hole ideation upon US. I'm so not good with that. Don't make your shit hole my shit hole. Period. We're a lost fucking cause at this pace. Spiraling down the sewer pipe like sands through an hourglass. These were'n't supposed to be the Days of our Lives! :mad:
I'm in total agreement with you on this. I've made two trips to that shithole, troop/material missions, and I couldn't stand the smell of that place. We give that cu^t refuge in our Country and she tries to bring her F'd up traditions/customs, here. From Bush Jr. to O'muslim, that's when this Country took a turn for the worse. Prove me wrong! Mac
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Put a salary cap of $100,000
Not allowed to do endorsements during their playing. Plus a minimum of five years thereafter.
Not allowed to have any law violations whatsoever.
Not allowed to make any political statements whatsoever during their time playing

Do those things and the problem will correct itself
Id like to wish all those in the NBA , NFL and mlb good luck with what ever jobs they go for in the future but i can't they did it all to them self why spit on the country that paid you tons of money to play a game . maybe they could drive trash trucks and keep there life styles or move to the communist controlled country of there choice .
The problem with the whole giving their salary to the poverty stricken community is, these communities didn’t just show up, they were created over time, you can keep dumping money into your 1979 ford pinto as long as you want, but at the end of the day, you still only got a pos Ford pinto!
All of you promoting socialist solutions like salary caps, punitive tax rates, confiscation of wages, etc. are forgetting one thing.

The major sport leagues in the US operate as government-sanctioned monopolies.

Fix that problem, and a lot of things change. Of course, some of those changes won't make people here too happy - many small-market teams go bust because they can't steal (excuse me, "revenue share") with profitable big-market teams, a small number of players (including LeBron) make a shit-ton more money that reflect their true market value, and owners might find it substantially more difficult to extort a few hundred million dollars from their communities for new stadiums - but at least it works move closer to a true free-market system.

Or simply turn off the TV and do something more productive with your time and energy - like pursuing your own fitness goals. The time it takes to watch two football or MLB games would be sufficient to fit a week's worth of workouts if applied efficiently.
Put a salary cap of $100,000
Not allowed to do endorsements during their playing. Plus a minimum of five years thereafter.
Not allowed to have any law violations whatsoever.
Not allowed to make any political statements whatsoever during their time playing

Do those things and the problem will correct itself

so stomp on capitalism and the first amendment because their BS opinion doesnt suit you?

Trust me, I stopped watching long ago (was a casual watcher) and despise what they do.

Anyone who kneels for the Anthem or raises a fist with BLM/Antifa is no longer my friend and is considered the opposition.
"The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously — after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be both ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth. (Most of his fans were just as ignorant and unlettered; the disease was spreading.)”
― Robert A. Heinlein, To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Meh, let them put themselves out of business. I’ve never given a shit about baseball or hockey. I haven’t given a shit about basketball for a really long time. And I’m probably not going to watch much football this year if I hear any of these fucking spoiled brats’ nonsense politics.

I don’t care what you have to say, clown. Just dance for me
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