Night Vision Left eye dominant head mount options


Full Member
  • Oct 12, 2020

    What are my options for head mounting NV and thermal devices …. When shooting left eye dominant?

    I have a Crye nightcap and I love it for comfort and packability …. But the chin strap buckle is in exactly the wrong spot for left handed shooting - left side of the chin - and I can’t get a good cheek weld with that dang buckle in the way. I also have an Ops Core Skull Mount and it has the same buckle position/issue.

    Anyone know of other options? Is the Raptor or Wilcox offering any better?
    The photos of the Wilcox and Raptor look like they have chin buckles in the same spot, making it noisy and difficult to get my left-eye mounted 14 behind a RDS or scope .... but, if they are even an inch more out of the way it could make the difference. Anyone use one of those?
    I have an opscore helmet that fits pretty snug. I just unbuckle it when I get on set. Otherwise they will sell you a new strap with the buckle on the wrong side, (there is no longer a LH factory option when buying new) that’s over $100 iirc. So, that’s an option.
    Great info on the Ops Core. I'll call them today for a wrong-side buckle harness ... thanks man.

    For packability (go kit), I would still love to know if either the Wilcox, Raptor or First Spear options would work.