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Lefty vs righty ?

Tic Tac

Full Member
Jun 21, 2014
Hi, got a question but first, going to buy Tikka T3x Tac A1 an cant decide weather to get my first left handed gun or keep shooting righthanded guns lefthanded. I'm lefteye dominant an have shot everything lefty all of 40+ years an I am naturally right handed. At 7 years old dad gave me first BB gun an I've just naturally used it lefty. Pistols I use righthanded but cant the head over for my left eye. So as they say you dont know what ya dont know, are there greater benefits to shooting a rifle the way it was intended that I just havent experienced? I recently attended a long range precision training class an had no problems on any target at any distance with any time constrants, an no instructors gave me any type of Critizizum on my style or marksmanship. So I have the itch to try some competition shooting for the challenge of it. So I hope with the vast knowledge of all you guys I might learn from your mistakes. Thanks Tic Tac
if you get into some positional shooting where the front support for the rifle isnt solid or needs constant hand support...it will make a difference

in those situations youll be way slower and have to rebuild your position for each shot

other than that its not a big deal...im left eye dominant and shoot everything right handed, when we're forced to go lefty in a match its way easier for me than it is everyone who's right hand/right eye
If you've always shot left hand I would buy a left hand rifle. Makes a big difference for me, especially on positional stages.
I’m right handed but left eye dominate and have always shot right handed rifles with my right hand. Haven’t had a problem in the past and honestly only notice an issue trying a red dot on a carbine. It just works so much better left handed. My 8 year old is starting to shoot this year and she’s he same as me right hand/left eye. She’s using a 10/22 but when we go bolt guns they’re going to be left handed. I think in the long run I know she will be better off and for me I’ll just be able to use both hands.
Thank you for the insights that I had never considered an I can see how those positional types of shots would be effected. So yep I'll be getting my first lefthand rifle.
Definitely go left hand. I got the same advice earlier, especially if your going to do positional shooting. I tried out someone's left handed action for positional shooting and it is definitely much easier to do that they trying to contort yourself using a right-handed action
I'm right handed and left eye dominant and, like the OP, instinctively learned to shoot left handed (rifles and bow) to get the projectile under my left eye. I shoot precision rifle left handed but use right hand actions. Because that's the way it has always been.

If I was going to concentrate on competition I'd transition to left hand actions so I could run the bolt with my left hand leaving the right hand to support the rear bag and stay on target....takes a lot more time to get back on target than to cycle the action.

I run a right hand action left handed...sometimes I reach over the scope and run the bolt with my left hand. Usually I just run it right handed and in competition that would get me killed more than likely.

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