Leica vs Terrapin X


Hey, give your balls a tug.
Banned !
Nov 20, 2021
Recently sold my geovids and need to pick up a new LRF. Have used Leica for years as well as the older terrapin and terrapin X.

I can't see why the terrapin is over twice the cost for the same ranging unit. Something like a 2400 or 2800 Leica can be had for just around 500 bucks, while the terrapin is over 1500.

Is there something I am missing?

I don't care about bluetooth or a sovler, just want a rangefinder that is accurate, has good beam divergence and is compact/light.

Even something like the vortex razor 4000 is an option. Lifetime warranty on electronics is hard to beat. Hard no to Sig and Smurf Vision.
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My dad uses a terrapin x and I use an sig 5k - the sig works better for us. The sig has outperformed the terrapin at distance on steel here in FL. The terrapin started to struggle after a mile, although the sig can return a false hit more easily. The terrapin often has connection issues with our kestrels to which my sig has never had a single issue. Ranging out to 1k the sig requires a hold on target for less time and is easier to use but again can return a false reading if not careful.

I agree with your sentiment - the terrapin is not worth 2-3x what many other range finders are. Especially when you consider the CS of Terrapin if you have an issue - still waiting on my connectivity issue email from 4 months ago.
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Much like you said, I also didnt care for bluetooth or having a solver. I went with a Vortex Razor 4000. Very happy with it.

However, I can see how linking it with a Kestrel (via bluetooth) would be pretty convenient.
I am pretty fast with a kestrel and honestly Bluetooth is going to just drain battery faster and having to deal with dropping connection as it turns off and on during the day is not something really interested in. Can punch in range or use hard dope cards pretty fast.
Just get the Razor 4000. It does exactly what you want and is less money.
And if there is ever a problem Vortex will stand behind it.

And if you're a Vet set up an account with EuroOptic and give them a peak at your dd214. They make me feel like a sponsored shooter with the discount Vortex offers vets.
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I have the 2800 and i'm happy with it. It'll range farther than i'll ever take a shot. I think the most recent firmware update might have fixed the bluetooth issue but im not 100% sure.
I have a Leica 2700 that will range further than I shoot.

First day out, ranging small boulders at 2600.
Trees to 1700.

Its unreal.
And love it in the tripod mount for small critters at range.

I think @Jefe’s Dope still cries about it living at my house now. 🤣