Rifle Scopes Leupold Mark 4 16X Scope Help


Full Member
Nov 1, 2009
Hi all.

I just got a Leupold Mark 4 16X scope and find that not only does it have very shallow eye relief, I am not able to get the entire field of view from edge to edge when focused in. Basically the top 5% or so is “cropped” out and blurry when I view through it. Whereas a Leupold Mark 4 10X that I also have does not have this issue, and I can get a full, sharp, edge-to-edge field of view through it.

See below pics showing what I mean.

For those that use or have used Mk4 16X scopes, is this normal? Or is this something I should reach out to Leupold about addressing?


Mk4 16X view:

Mk4 10X view:
The 16X Leupold's had a shit ton of elevation, likely what you're seeing is due to the erector being near its limit and that shadow is actually the inside of the scope tube. Dial some elevation into the turret and see if it goes away.

Ah, that seems to be it. Thank you! Though it’s a very narrow adjustment where the entire field of view is sharp at the edges. It easily gets blurry at the bottom when dialed for more elevation. Haha.