Rifle Scopes Leupold Mark 5 7-35x56


Jun 30, 2018
Has anyone heard anything else about this? A mark 5 in a 7-35 is not listed any where on the mark 5 tab of leupolds website, however while playing around on the mount finder its available there as an option while trying to determine which rings to get

I had thought i remembered something about this around shot show time but i cant seem to find much
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We will be using the Leupold 7-35x56 this week in the WLSC at Valdina Ranch just outside San Antonio, Texas.

Chris Schmidt
JJ Rock ELR Team
IG: ChrisSchmidt_ELR

@IntoTransonic - wow, lucky dog. Please tell us all about it (scope and the event!)

I have had the scope for about four weeks, and it is growing on me. The parallax adjustment is really really good. The turrets are really good ... crisp and the clicks are audible. I like the distance between the clicks. It is a true 30 mil scope and after I zeroed at 100; I have over 27 Mils of elevation travel.

Coming from a S&B 3x27 ... the parallax is better and the turrets are way better. Leupold has a winner in the 7-35. It’s a big scope with about 3-1/2” eye relief which is a little less than my S&B.

35mm tube on the leupold. I have a video on other social media... tried to load it here but it’s not formatted for this site

Chris Schmidt
JJ Rock
IG: ChrisSchmidt_elr
Thanks for posting these pics. This is the first I have seen anyone post of the side focus. I have been assuming it was 75-infinity but nobody has been able to confirm until now. Can you confirm how close it seems to focus/adj parallax?
I know it wasn’t designed for close up, but it would have been nice for it to be lower.

FYI... not mine but someone did post one in the classifieds today.
emailed Leopold today asking when it would be available on there website. This was the response they gave me. I was just about to purchase the 5-25, I'm glad I waited!

You should start seeing the 7-35 on the website and store shelves soon. I believe they started shipping out this week.

Sincerely, Baer"
emailed Leopold today asking when it would be available on there website. This was the response they gave me. I was just about to purchase the 5-25, I'm glad I waited!

You should start seeing the 7-35 on the website and store shelves soon. I believe they started shipping out this week.

Sincerely, Baer"

Talk to John at JJ Rock, there is a waiting list with them but there is still room.
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Yes, but not sure you would need much at 7x ..

I am asking because I am considering this option over the 3-18 or 5-25 because it would be used for hunting and competition use. 7x is a little more magnification than ideal for close range, but if a coyote popped up inside a 100yds, it would be nice to know I can still see the reticle clearly enough to make the shot.

Worst case scenario, I could just use a micro red dot attached to the scope mount. I am glad I didn't buy a Mk5 yet because the 7-35x seems like the better option.
I am asking because I am considering this option over the 3-18 or 5-25 because it would be used for hunting and competition use. 7x is a little more magnification than ideal for close range, but if a coyote popped up inside a 100yds, it would be nice to know I can still see the reticle clearly enough to make the shot.

Worst case scenario, I could just use a micro red dot attached to the scope mount. I am glad I didn't buy a Mk5 yet because the 7-35x seems like the better option.

7-35 is going to be sweet ...
I am asking because I am considering this option over the 3-18 or 5-25 because it would be used for hunting and competition use. 7x is a little more magnification than ideal for close range, but if a coyote popped up inside a 100yds, it would be nice to know I can still see the reticle clearly enough to make the shot.

Worst case scenario, I could just use a micro red dot attached to the scope mount. I am glad I didn't buy a Mk5 yet because the 7-35x seems like the better option.

Haven’t found a reticle yet that isn’t able to be seen as a duplex or central aiming point at any of the lower power settings.

Zero need to be able to read the subtensions on reticle at those lower power, regardless if you can see them or not.
Any idea of what the street price will be?

Eurooptic have had placeholder pages for a while now but it looks like $2800 for an illuminated TMR reticle (https://www.eurooptic.com/Leupold-Mark-5HD-7-35x56-35mm-M5C3-FFP-Illum-TMR-Riflescope-176124.aspx)

If you generally search, you'll see the price is anywhere from $2300 - $3100.

As a note, I find it crazy how you're able to get (what I assume will be) great optics for cheaper than the price of a Razor Gen 2 when it came out ($2500). Even 'back then' (i.e. 3 years ago) it was considered a great price point.

Capitalism is a beautiful thing.
Any updates on this? I'm curious how it handles higher magnification. At the price point I imagined ed they've got it pretty well figured out but you just never know.

Eye box seems more narrow than the 5-25 and the eye relief is definitely less than the latter. Other than that it’s a great optic. In a Spuhr mount on a TL3 action I keep finding myself having to inch forward to get the proper eye relief. The scope is set back as far as possible in the mount, the mount is a far back as possible on the rail. The 5-25 has a more forgiving eye relief and doesn’t have this issue. IMO if you’re not shooting ELR the 5-25 should be your huckleberry. On higher mag to me the eye box gets very narrow and almost unusable the way mine is mounted. Others may have better luck with it in different mounts.