Leupold Mark 5 HD 3.5-18???


Sep 14, 2023
Ringgold, Georgia
Hey all, so I’m going to build a 6arc soon and I am looking to get the Mark 5 with the PR-2 mil reticle. However it doesn’t have illumination, and I’m concerned it might not integrate well with my clip on thermal.

Does anyone have any experience with this non illuminated reticle and a clip on thermal/NV?

I’m wondering if it’s a deal breaker and I need to consider a different optic?

Thanks in advance for any help!
The Mark 5HD has reticles with and without illumination. One quirk with Leupold is the manner in which they install illumination makes for a rather steep price difference to add on illumination. It is a fantastic scope.
I saw that they had some options on reticles with illumination, just not the one I wanted. 😂 The Pr-2 is perfect for my applications but I haven’t found a model with illumination and that reticle.
Late to the party but I have been running a handful of Mk5 non illuminated on I2 clip ons for years without issue. I usually run the zoom between 5-10 behind the night vision. No issues without illumination.
NV is a different story... With thermal clip ons, all my scopes start to pick up screen gradient from 6X on up. So they essentially get hunted between 3 and 5. Specifically with the PR2 reticle, the floating dot and gapped aim points when dialed down that low are unuseable without the brightness setting being jacked up so high it washes everything out. That issue can be overcome with a different reticle or potentially with illum, which they don't do for the PR2. I went down the OP's specific road and came away saying nope to that combo. Now if he can swing an NV clip on, that's a new world I haven't tried.
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Makes total sense. I can pretty easily run 10-12x on a pvs27, PVS30, or CNVD-LR with green or white tubes, which makes reticles way bigger.

I looked through a SFP score recently behind a clip on and had a new appreciation for how nice the reticle looked at lower mag.
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Does anyone know if Leupold is going to come out with an illuminated version of the PR2? Might start another thread for the challenge I’m facing in finding an optic with the reticle I want for my spr… PR2 has me excited until I found out no lum