Rifle Scopes Leupold mark5 reticle -tmr different from illuminated tmr?


May 10, 2019
Looking at leupold's website it appears that the illuminated tmr option has a floating center dot while the non-illuminated version has a solid center crossair. Can anyone confirm this is correct for the non-illuminated version?


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The “true” or I should say “original” TMR was originally used on a second focal plane mark4. It was also illuminated.

The one with the dot is the front focal plane TMR. Also available illuminated.
I will also add neither have a solid center, or cross hair. The original TMR has an open center. If you look closely you’ll see what I’m referring too.
I have both ... illuminated has a dot, non-illuminated does not. The etched lines on the illuminated version are WAY thicker than on the non-illuminated version. That "line width" is actually a much bigger deal at distance, than the dot-or-no-dot feature. At long distances on small targets, I find the big lines and center dot to be a little too much reticle to easily see the target. All that said, in bright sunlight on dark targets ... I really like the illuminated version. Hope that helps.