If you don't use/put the handle on, you can just used the measurement stem as the handle. You can orientate it so it's pointing to the middle, left, or right.
That's the way the throw on top a prometheus works. He doesn't attach the handle.
My old Pacific powder thrower had the capability of left or right hand lever handle but apparently at some point Hornady bought the rights to the Pacific and eliminated that feature when they brought out the "Lock & Load" series of throwers.
I've never used one, just see that they advertise it as right/left hand. I have no experience, but there are some old forum mentions of swapping it over. If OP goes that way, he can probably call or email Harrell's and just have them send it already set to wrong-handed.
I've never used one, just see that they advertise it as right/left hand. I have no experience, but there are some old forum mentions of swapping it over. If OP goes that way, he can probably call or email Harrell's and just have them send it already set to wrong-handed.